I built a Power Automate, It is running well without issue so far. But today, we found a request with failed in the time of creating an approval. Below is the error message, that I can find from the hints.
Invalid text value.
A text field contains invalid data. Please check the value and try again.
clientRequestId: ca004c81-8145-49a3-b809-3a936e954fed
serviceRequestId: c8744fa1-1017-3000-d47b-132ee050a168
Can you please share your Raw Inputs (click that and share the whole thing).
I'm not sure how the data gets in but something is making it not savable.
Also if you can share the entire error it would help, just to be safe. It shouldn't but I wonder if the & is causing it, that or we will need to put a check and then change the character(s) that are causing the issue
I'm observing issue with your "Request to Drive-New Application" field value but not fully sure untill you share the data types for all the fields from list setting.
Can you share a screenshot of the list settings of the Authorization Processes list? This way I can see what the data types of the columns are.
This would help troubleshooting.
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