Creating planner tasks based on email subjects
Thanks, Expiscornovus,
Thinking about this some more, I was wondering whether I could just only make a new task if the subject of the trigger email did not end with the title of any existing task - at the moment I have the following steps:
1. Trigger: When a new email arrived in a shared mailbox V2 - i specify the mailbox and some other basic parameters
2. List Tasks: I specify the plan ID to list the tasks of
3. Filter Array:
In the 'From' field I use the 'value' (planner) dynamic content - is this right?
In the 'Filter Query' field I use this expression: endswith(triggerOutputs()?['body/subject'], item()?['title'])
4. Apply to each: Not sure what to put in the 'Select an output from previous steps' field. 'Body', maybe?
5. Condition: Not sure what to put in the left and right fields here. I basically want this part to filter out positive instances of the check for the presence of a task title at the end of the incoming email subject.
6. True: Create task. I think I've got it sussed here!
7. False: Nothing at all?
If someone could sense check this, that would be great!