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How to Display Audit Owner in Findings Table in PowerApps Model-Driven App?

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Hi everyone,

I’m currently building a model-driven app in PowerApps that involves three primary tables: Audit, Findings, and Recommendations. Each audit record has an "Owner" (assigned automatically based on the creator of the audit). My goal is to display this audit owner information within the Findings table, specifically in the Findings form, so that the user responsible for the audit is easily visible when working on related findings.

What I've Done So Far:

  1. Relationships and Lookups:

    • I’ve set up a lookup field in the Findings table (audittra_finding) that links it to the Audit table (audittra_audit). The lookup field in the Findings table is called Audit ID.
  2. Attempted Calculated Field:

    • I created a calculated field in the Findings table to try and pull in the owner from the related Audit record using the formula [audittra_AuditID].[ownerid]. Unfortunately, I encountered an error stating "The formula contains an invalid reference: audittra_AuditID.ownerid."
  3. Exploration of Other Methods:

    • I considered using business rules and workflows, but I'm still trying to find the best approach. I understand that calculated fields might have limitations when dealing with ownerid fields directly.

Screenshots and Details:

  • Owner Field in Audit Table: This is the standard "Owner" type field (ownerid).
  • Lookup Field in Findings Table: I have a working lookup field (audittra_AuditID) linking Findings to Audit.

Current Challenges:

  • The calculated field approach does not seem to work with the ownerid reference.
  • I am looking for the best practice to ensure the audit owner is automatically reflected in the Findings form without manually entering it.

What I Need Help With:

  • Advice on Alternative Methods: If there's a reliable way to reference the ownerid field from a related record in a calculated field or through another automated process.
  • Workflow or Business Rule Guidance: Specific steps or best practices on setting up a workflow that copies the audit owner to a custom field in the Findings table.
  • Any Known Limitations: Insights into why the calculated field might not be accepting the ownerid reference and potential workarounds.

Any guidance or suggestions from the community would be greatly appreciated! I’ve been following all the best practices I know of, but I’ve hit a roadblock with this specific issue.

Thank you!


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