Yes, Power Apps Dataflows tend to reorder columns alphabetically upon loading data into Dataverse or other destinations. Unfortunately, this is an automatic behavior and not explicitly documented in Microsoft's official resources. However, there are a few ways you can work around this issue to retain your desired column order.
After performing the merge, add a "Reorder Columns" step in Power Query before saving the Dataflow:
This should help enforce the correct order before publishing.
If you're exporting the data (e.g., to Excel), Power Automate can be used to fetch the records and arrange the columns manually in the desired order before writing them to an output.
If you are loading data into a Dataverse table, and you control its schema, you can:
Dataverse enforces its own schema ordering when data is loaded, so this might help.
Power BI Dataflows do not automatically reorder columns in the same way as Power Apps Dataflows. If your workflow allows, you could:
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