Businesses are built on its ability to be able to provide expertise goods or services to a target market. This is usually driven by a process of specialisation when eventually a specialist is able to from years of experience able to quickly identify solutions based on standardised set of information received from a client.
From my perspective as a Tax Advisor this typically comes down to copy of prior year tax return, financial statements, answers to a few questions (e.g. have a home office, wear a work uniform, car logbook etc), using Microsoft Flow I was able to connect Typeform Questionnaire to A Basecamp Task to A Mobile push notification to my Phone Contacts to add contact details to my MailChimp campaign.
This is benefical because as soon as a client completes the questionnaire this updates within few minutes my project management tool (Basecamp), my phone contacts for prospect client and notifies me via mobile. This is useful because:
- When I get a phone call or speak to a person and they want a tax quote I can point them to my Typeform (linked to my website: check it out here: Its an easy way to take the prospect to the "next step", anything which makes the propsect engagement easier is always good for sales.
- My mind is freed up with a lot less stress because I have 100% confidence, all prospects are been taken care and not forgotten as well updated in my contacts.
- When a prospect calls me shortly after submission, at least I have their details come up on my phone now which is useful way of keeping positive communication. "Hi John!" sounds a lot better than "Hi, who is this?"
This is Client Engagement Flow:
In Typeform I have the questions to obtain the following details:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Preferred day I call them to discuss their information and requirements further
- Preferred time frame I call them on that day
- These details will then be placed into Basecamp as a To Do Task, where the due date of the task matches the preferred date chosen by the customer for me to call them.
- The prospect client contact details are also then updated to my phone contacts (google contacts on my Android phone).
- The prospect key details are immediately sent to my mobile for quick update.
Mitigating Erros
You may also notice I have a seperate flow for another mobile notifcation. This is set up to only run if the flow to Basecamp fails, skips or times out. The reason why I haveadded this conditional step is because I also want to be aware if there is any error when transferring data from Typeform, this way I can take a look at the error report and see what has happened very quickly and rectify. This helps me have confidence I have 100% certainly no-one will get missed.
As an example, I had this error message come up shortly after switching on the Flow. I realised I had not set up the first question as "required" field in the Typeform so people were skipping the first question, now I have recitfied this and people are now inputting thier first name. Thanks to Flow this issue was notifed to me immediately and recitified before any "damage" could be done, which is awesome!
Warm to Hot Campaign
The next step will be then connecting this prospect to a Mailchimp InBound Marketing campaign to make your prospects feel "loved".
While I have demonstrated this process from an Accountant's perspective, I believe this flow can easily work for any occupation which requires answers from standardised questions to do job quoting.
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