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Community Corner 31: New Unanswered Topics Component/Becoming a Flow Community Blog Author


It's really incredible (& you may have already noticed) that the Microsoft Flow Community is currently seeing higher post & traffic volumes than ever! This means that our awesome community is still growing every day! Thanks to everyone involved with the Flow Community, it has become a place where Flow users of ANY skill level can come and get help with literally ANYTHING Flow-related. With our amazing product team intently listening to your thoughts and suggestions being posted and voted for on our "Flow Ideas" board, we've brought over 100 community-generated Flow feature suggestions to life! These accomplishments are a great achievement because, with the growing user base of the Flow Product, there has to be a strong community that new users can come learn from and we are absolutely providing that. So keep doing what you do! I'm talking about all of you Microsoft Flow Community Members! The power of community is displayed here every single day and I am proud to be a part of it. Please feel free to reach out to me (GabrielStJohn) if you'd like to find out how YOU can get more involved with the Microsoft Flow Community! 😁


Unanswered Topics Component

There has been a great new addition to the right rail components of the Flow Community! There are now dedicated "Unanswered Topics" components for each of the forum boards in the "Get Help With Microsoft Flow" category of the Flow community. This new component will be helpful to ANYONE that would like to give back to the Flow Community by helping other members find solutions! Sometimes, a topic thread goes unanswered because it hasn't been seen by the right person, and you could be that person who knows the solution! It doesn’t take long to go over the list of unanswered posts and see if any of the topics stand out to you or speak to your skill set. Click "See All" at the bottom of the component to be brought to an entire page dedicated for unanswered topics. (If you ask me, that's where the real value of this addition comes in!) If you haven’t seen this yet, please head over to the General Flow Discussion board and take a look! Here's where to find it:

Untitled picture.png

Become a Flow Community Blog Author

Have you ever read an article on the Microsoft Flow Community Blog? If so, then you've most likely read content from another regular Flow Community member that has reached out to me with interest in becoming a Flow Community Blog Author. Writing community blog articles is an amazing way to show your support for everyone in the online Flow Community because whether you share a How-To article, or an article on Flow governance, provisioning, or best practices, they all have the opportunity to help someone along in their professional journey with the product.


In my opinion, out of all the feelings that a user can get from interacting with the community, this one is among the most rewarding. Even though the Community blog articles usually get few comments, you can rest assured that your community blog article is making its way across more than one source of social media (Twitter & LinkedIn) and helping at least one Flow user to better understand a process or concept. Having that kind of an impact on someone else's professional career is something that was simply not capable 20 years ago. It can be even more rewarding when you think about how our Community Members & Super Users are still paving the way and setting the standard for future online support communities and programs like this one.


If you have ever wanted to give back to the Flow Community site but you're not sure where to start, I recommend volunteering as a Flow Community Blog author and sharing a valuable Flow solution in a How-To Community Blog Article! Your articles can be long or short because Flows come in all sizes. And due to the very wide range of skill levels across the Flow Community Blog audience, your articles can contain simple or complex Flow concepts because we know that it doesn't require a 50-step Flow to produce a meaningful automation solution.


Please reach out to me and let me know if you have a meaningful Flow article to share with the Community, and I will give you further instructions on writing Flow community blog article!


Thanks for reading! 😁microsoft-quote-insta_grande_2x.jpg



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