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#12 Side Panes in Model Driven Apps

Implementation Steps:


Consider a scenario, on click of a Button I need to show a HTML page in the Form. Initially we have used Dialog to display the same in the form but Microsoft have introduced a new feature to display a SIDE PAN in the Form










Parameter Name Type Required Description
title string No The title of the pane. Used in pane header and for tooltip.
paneId string No The ID of the new pane. If the value is not passed, the ID value is auto-generated.
canClose Boolean No Whether the pane header will show a close button or not.
imageSrc string No The path of the icon to show in the panel switcher control.
hideHeader Boolean No Hides the header pane, including the title and close button. Default value is false.
isSelected Boolean No When set to false, the created pane is not selected and leaves the existing pane selected. It also does not expand the pane if collapsed.
width Number No The width of the pane in pixels.
hidden Boolean No Hides the pane and tab.
alwaysRender Boolean No Prevents the pane from unmounting when it is hidden.
keepBadgeOnSelect Boolean No Prevents the badge from getting cleared when the pane becomes selected.



Sample Code to Open HTML Page:


Check Weather the pane is already opened or not. If opened Close the pane




var currentPane = Xrm.App.sidePanes.getSelectedPane();
if (currentPane !== null && currentPane !== undefined && currentPane.paneId === "PANIDUNIQUENAME") {
var promotionPane = Xrm.App.sidePanes.getPane("PANIDUNIQUENAME");




Below code for Opening the HTML page in Side pan



try { 
 title: "PANID",
 canClose: true
 }).then((pane) => {
 pageType: "webresource",
 webresourceName: "/webresources/yourhtmlpage.html"
 catch (e) {
 throw e;



If you want to pass any parameter from form to HTML in Side Pan



try { 
var formContext = primaryControl;
var qs = "guidofRecord=" +'{', '').replace('}', ''); // guidofRecord = you can pass any dummy variables
 title: "PANID",
 canClose: true
 }).then((pane) => {
 pageType: "webresource",
 webresourceName: "/webresources/yourhtmlpage.html"
 data: encodeURIComponent(qs)
 catch (e) {
 throw e;




Thats it 🙂


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