Power Automate Fundamentals # 45: Usage of HTML Table in Power Automate
Power Automate Fundamentals # 45: Usage of HTML Table in Power Automate
In Power Platform for certain scenarios data needs to be represented in HTML Table , in those cases we can work with HTML Table Action, as an example we will show list of contacts in an HTML Table.
Step 1:
Login to the required Power Apps environment using URL make.powerapps.com by providing username and password and click on Flows on the left-hand side as shown in the below figure.
Step 2:
After Step 1, Click on New Flow and select instant cloud flow and provide the trigger as Manually trigger a flow and click on Create as shown in the below figure.
Step 3:
After Step 2, name the flow as Working with HTML Table take another step under Dataverse Connector , select List Rows action and name it as List rows - Get Contacts and provide the following inputs
Table name : contacts
Filter rows : (cr5bc_vaccinationcompleted eq true)
as shown in the below figure.
Step 4:
After Step 3, look for the action Create HTML table and name that Step as Create HTML table - For Each Record and select the following values
From : [@{body('List_rows_-_Get_Contacts_')}]
Columns : Custom
And provide
one set of Header and Value as Name , items('Apply_to_each')?['firstname']
other set as VaccinationCompleted, if(items('Apply_to_each')?['cr5bc_vaccinationcompleted'],'Yes','No')
where firstname and 'cr5bc_vaccinationcompleted' were taken from apply to each loop output value as shown in the below figure.
Step 5:
After Step 4, save and run the flow and observe the result and you can see html table in apply to each loop as shown in the below figure.
- Make sure to keep enclose body part of list table inside [] array.
- Select Custom in Step 4, to define which columns that are needed, otherwise all columns will be shown.
- Always save flow and test it.
- Apply to Each automatically comes when firstname was selected in Step 4 .
Conclusion: In this way we can work on HTML Table easily that is present in Power Automate.
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