Community Corner 06: Templates/FlowVideos/Spotlight(Community Highlight)
I have received some Microsoft insider tips on some great templates that have been released for Microsoft Flow and I will continue to highlight a couple of these new Flow templates and/or connectors each week in this segment of the Community Corner article. There are many freshly created templates released for Flow all the time so I do what I can to bring you the latest and most popular Flow updates on Flow tools, features, and content! I hope that you can put these templates to use for your business practices in some way!
This template is an excellent utility type of connector and will save you a lot of time trying to jump around and stay updated on important Microsoft information. As you probably know, new Microsoft Documentation is added frequently. There is also some awesome Documentation for Microsoft Flow! So why not let Flow do the work and keep you updated? This template will connect to your Office 365 Outlook Account and use a Recurrence to check daily if any Microsoft Documentation that you are following has been updated. If there has been no update, you will receive no email. Find out how you could stay updated on your important Microsoft Documentation here:
Flow Videos
Of all the content that is available for users to learn and increase their abilities of using Microsoft Flow, I must say that the instructional videos are by far my favorite. I have been a photographer/videographer for a few years now, and I've always been an artist and a creator. So I'm sure that has an effect on this opinion, but there is just something about learning from a moving, talking screen that makes information and ideas so much easier for my brain to absorb. I've actually heard this from many people. This might be what gives creators their "creative instinct" that nearly every person withholds in their own quantity.
Anyways, I'd like to point out some of my all-time favorite videos that us Community Users could get some use from and also find entertaining! There's been A LOT of Flow content uploaded so far this year and I will hook you up with links to some of the greatest ones that could potentially teach you something new about using Microsoft Flow!
This is an awesome beginner how-to video by on YouTube
The best YouTube account for Microsoft Flow content is by far Jon Levesque. His channel has a group of amazing videos that will quickly help you become a Microsoft Flow master. I definitely recommend going to check them all out! He also publishes videos where he takes you along with him to exclusive Microsoft Conventions and Events, which is an awesome way to get an inside look at what Microsoft has been up to at these events lately.
In the Microsoft Flow Community Webinars & Video Gallery is where the relevant Flow Community Videos are posted. Head over to this gallery and see the new category for those of you Speakers and delivering Sessions/Workshops at the Microsoft Business Applications Summit to submit videos of their speeches, sessions, or workshops. I sure hope to see some videos submitted after the summit on July 19-22!
This is a cool video by The Microsoft Flow Official YouTube Channel. On this channel you will find some great instructional and how to videos on how to use and apply Microsoft Flows great capabilities to your business practices. Not to mention the production quality of Microsoft's Official videos are always fun to watch!
One of our super users, @Anonymous, has an excellent blog where you can find some great Flow Content! Head over to to soak up some great articles, one per month from a very knowledgeable source.
Spotlight (Community Highlight)
There have been some truly great articles published lately here on the Flow Community Blog. And I would like to take this opportunity to point out a couple users who are new to authoring for the Community Blog and they are doing an outstanding job! I hope that they can inspire more Microsoft Flow users to reach out to me with their Flow building endeavors!
@MGLovesFlow has authored some beautiful 5-step articles on how to construct a Contract Approval Flow in a SharePoint Library and how to create a Vacation approval workflow that can be applied to many types of approvals. These are ways that using Flow could really slash the time that some of these simple yet essential tasks take up. This is an author that I am excited to see articles from, and I know the Flow Community is grateful for her contribution! We can't wait to see more of your awesome blog articles! Thank You!
There are a series of articles by @themsenduser that demonstrate some great ways to use metadata values Flow triggers and how to use Microsoft Flow to syncing Azure Blob Storage and also DropBox in Teams. There is some great knowledge to read about utilizing metadata and Microsoft Teams Tabs. I really recommend giving them a read! Please continue to contribute your awesome Flow Community Blog Articles!
Thank You, From the furthest reaches of our Community Blog Page!
Flow Community Manager
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