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Community Corner 04: Conventions/Connectors/Spotlight(Special Guest Q&A)

Welcome to Community Corner 04! This week I decided to start including a more specific Community Spotlight segment where I will highlight someone or something from the community. It could be a highlight or interview of an awesome community user who stands out by offering a helping hand to others, or simply a blurb and a link to an interesting thread that should be broadcast to a wider audience! For instance, this week I will kick it off with an interview with @JonL! He plays an important role in the Microsoft Flow Community. And he plans on attending many upcoming events around the world to represent Microsoft Flow and the Microsoft Flow Community. You'll read about some of those things later in this article!


Microsoft Business Conventions&Summits

There have been a lot of awesome events hosted by Microsoft this year that are worth mentioning here! The SharePoint Saturdays International events have been a great way for the Microsoft Product Teams, Microsoft MVPs, and Microsoft Business Applications Users around the world to connect face-to-face and attend sessions that showcase features and abilities that their businesses could utilize! There have been many great SharePoint Saturday Events world wide, but there have also been some very important local Microsoft events as well. For instance, the Microsoft //Build/ Conference in Seattle was an incredible event, with thousands of attendees! I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to attend Build and help represent The Flow Booth on the massive showroom floor that contained literally hundreds of booths with team members and experts from Microsoft that were ready to help out any of the thousands of developer attendees with questions as well as showcase the latest improvements and updates to their specific projects/products. 


The Microsoft Business Summit that I am really excited for this year is the Microsoft Business Application Summit taking place in Seattle, WA on July 22-24. This summit will literally have a huge portion of the event dedicated entirely to the Microsoft Business Applications online communities and their users! There will be a big Community Hang-Out Lounge area where myself and other Community Managers will be hanging out and helping people become members of the online community of their favorite Microsoft Business Applications and also answering any questions in-person for existing community users. 


There will be a presenting stage dedicated entirely to each of the BizApps Communities. One for Power BI Guest Speakers, one for PowerApps Guest Speakers, and of course, one for Microsoft Flow Guest Speakers. This Summit will truly bring the members of the online communities together with the MVPs and experts that are behind all of the awesome tools, guides and products that make their business tasks and endeavors that much easier and seamless. I really recommend checking this summit out if you have any vested interest in any of the Microsoft Business Applications such as Flow, PowerApps or Power BI. Later in this article you will get a chance to hear from one of Microsoft Flow's Guest Speakers for this event!



A Polite Mail premium connector has recently been created! Polite Mail Software provides corporations with email analytics for their internal communications. You can create responsive emails, send to distribution lists, track recipient behavior and better tailor your approach to engage with your employees. This premium Connector includes one Flow trigger, "when a contact is created", and it also includes 10 Flow actions. I recommend checking it out if your business utilizes Polite Mail! 


Here is some more of the recently released Microsoft Flow Connectors from the Supported Connectors ListNew Connectors5.PNG








Community Spotlight (Q&A With @JonL)

For the first segment of Community Spotlight I am honored to have the opportunity to ask a few questions to Jon Levesque. He is the Senior Program Manager for Microsoft Flow and he has been all over the world to teach people about Microsoft Flow and the ways it can help their businesses.


He generously took some time to sit down with me to answer a few questions that I thought you, the members of the Flow Community, would like to hear his answers to!


1. Who are you? Can you introduce yourself a bit in terms of your importance and experience with the Microsoft Flow Online Community? Just for anyone that doesn't already know. 


[JL] I’m Jon Levesque! Senior Program Manager and Microsoft Flow Evangelist. I am the guy making the Flow videos and writing the blogs and tweets. Making sure the whole entire community runs smoothly worldwide. I also manage the Flow Product blog and all of our influencer programs. I’m always trying to be the voice of the customer!


2. What is your favorite part about working with the Online Flow Community and it’s MVP’s/Users?


[JL] Oh man! It’s the people. I get to meet all of the amazing individuals that make up our greater community. Its really awesome to get to talk with someone in the community, and then on Twitter, and then finally meet them in real life at a conference or event. And for the MVP’s specifically, I really enjoy making them feel appreciated! They do so much for us… creating content, speaking, helping community members, it’s a lot of work they contribute, and its awesome to get to be the one to recognize that loudly.


3. Where have your adventures with the Flow Community taken you/what have they shown you?


[JL] I have been to some great places because of our community! I got invited to speak with one of our MVP’s Serge Luca, in Zurich Switzerland.. I am soon speaking with another MVP, Ahmad Najjar in Warsaw Poland, And what’s amazing is, these are community events, that our community is also part of.. Community inside of community.. Now that’s awesome.


4. Can you give the Flow Community Corner readers some references to some of the upcoming events you’ll be speaking at, or perhaps some links to some of your recent work that you think they would like and/or benefit from? 


[JL] My Friends! You can stay up to date with all of the places I will be speaking about Microsoft Flow at and if you want to check out all of my latest video content be sure and check out my YouTube channel at and check out the various playlists for the content you are into.


Thank you so much to @JonL for having this quick Q&A with me, and I hope you all enjoyed this weeks issue of Community Corner! 


If there's something that you think would add value to the weekly Community Corner articles, please feel free to let me know and I would love to discuss adding segments or highlights that are requested by all of you awesome Flow Community Members!


Thanks for Reading!



Microsoft Flow Community Manager

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