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Effectively using the Power Apps and Power Automate Community Forums

These Communities are a fantastic wealth of information and a great place to get assistance.  Do ask questions, there is a whole community of people wanting to help you.


To have the best experience and most successful resolution if you are stuck with a challenge, start by doing your part. 


Many things are different depending on your keyboard language, what type of app or flow, etc.  The information below will be key to getting a great response.


  1. Make sure you are asking your question in the right forum and subforum, Power Apps questions in the Power Apps forum, Power Automate questions in the Power Automate forum, etc. (Subforum Examples:  In the Power Apps Community there is a place for general questions, Dataverse specific questions, Build questions etc.)
  2. In your question tell us: (Be concise and as clear as possible, vague or poorly worded questions may not get any answers)
    1. Power Apps –
      1. Model Driven App, Canvas App, Power Apps for Teams, Modified SharePoint Form, Portal or Virtual Agent
      2. If you are using a language version other than US English
      3. Your Data source(s), i.e. Dataverse, SharePoint. SQL, Excel
      4. What Connectors you are using
      5. What you are trying to achieve
      6. What is failing
      7. ScreenShots, ScreenShots, ScreenShots!  Especially of red squiggly line errors and any tooltips that appear when hovered over
        1. If it’s a data card, get the screenshot of the formula bar at the top of the screen and not the data card property box on the right.  It won’t show errors the way the formula bar does.
      8. Provide the formulas you are using when asked.   Refusing to do so makes it very difficult for anyone to assist you.  You can cover up sensitive information or use generic terms in place of it.
      9. Do use the </> box to enter formulas if possible.   This allows someone to copy and modify the formula to help you without having to retype it all.
    2. Power Automate –
      1. What type of Flow? e.g. Cloud Flow, Desktop Flow, Business Process Flow
      2. How is the Flow being triggered, i.e. what makes it run?
        1. Being called from Power Apps
        2. When an item is created in a SharePoint list
        3. When an item is modified in a SharePoint list
        4. Manually Triggered
        5. Scheduled
      3. Any error messages during creation
        1. Include ScreenShots
        2. Indicate what action you are using
        3. Indicate if you are using Dynamic Data
        4. Share the formulas you are using in the action if any
      4. Any Flow failure messages
        1. Do go into the Flow that has failed and find the action that did not complete.  Click into it for more detailed information.  Take screenshots if applicable


Last but not least, if you don't understand something that someone tells you, speak up, tell them what you don't understand and ask them to clarify.


*This post is locked for comments

  • ArchitectMadhan Profile Picture ArchitectMadhan 1,518
    Posted at
    Effectively using the Power Apps and Power Automate Community Forums

    Good One @JR-BejeweledOne , if the steps are followed then we can reduce the turn-around time to provide better solution.

  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture WarrenBelz 145,495
    Posted at
    Effectively using the Power Apps and Power Automate Community Forums

    Good Post @JR-BejeweledOne ,

    I did a related blog over in better together that may be useful for additional reading.