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TxtSync SMS Flow Connector Updates - Version 1.1

Hi Microsoft Flow Community


Since our release we have been busy extending our connector to meet some of the requests we have had from MS Flow community. We would like to take this opportunity to share with you some of our changes and how they may benefit yourselves.


Connector  Version: 1.1


Bulk SMS 

We have added a new Bulk SMS action that allows you to send SMS to a list of numbers or Tags (group of contacts). This is particularly helpful if you have a defined group of contacts that you would like to message in one go when a specific trigger within your flows occur. For example if a lead is generated within your system you could send an SMS out to the sales team to let them know.


To get this up and running simply create your contacts in TxtSync and tag them up. Then from our Flow connector you will be able to send SMS to that group through the Tag name.


Search by External Reference

We want to allow you to be able to keep your contact record data insync and up to date. This is why we allow you to save an External Reference when creating contacts in our system. We now allow you to search the TxtSync contacts by the External Reference.


Update by External Reference

We have added a new action that allows you to update a TxtSync contact record by your External Reference. This action allows you to keep your contact data insync.


Delete by External Reference

We have added a new action that allows you to delete a TxtSync contact record by your External Reference. This action allows you to keep your contact data insync.


As always we are happy to listen to what SMS functionality you need and make it a reality. Simply get in contact if you believe we are missing something.


Until we meet, Happy flowing!!! Heart


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