Prevent user from entering Special Characters in a Text input
This question came from a post I responded to and got me thinking that this was something that may be required at times, so I came up with the model in this blog. It may have other application as well as the Text Box example.
Firstly do a Collection of all special characters (you can do this at Screen OnVisible) by using their ASCII value ranges
{FieldNo: Char(32 + Value)}
{FieldNo: Char(57 + Value)}
{FieldNo: Char(90 + Value)}
{FieldNo: Char(122 + Value)}
this puts 31 Special Characters into the collection under the field FieldNo. There may be some you want to allow such as underscore _ (95) so you would have to adjust the below to suit.
Below is a gallery (with wrap at 4) showing the characters
Now put this on the OnChange of the Text Box
FieldNo in Self.Text,
{CharError: true}
NOTE - I had to use a Collection here as a Variable cannot be set inside a ForAll() statement.
Put this on the OnSelect of the Text Box - you could also in addition put this at Screen OnVisible
Now put a Label (this is the warning message) on the screen with this as the Text
"Do not use characters " & Concat(
FieldNo & ""
) & " here"
and this as the Visible
Prevent user from entering Special Characters in a Text input
Hi @WarrenBelz
Thank you very much for your solution.
1 issue that I'm facing is that, If I type special characters in the text input in the preview mode(F5)
The error does not appear and text input doesn't reset
However, the moment I click "X" and exit preview mode, the error message appears and the input resets.
Prevent user from entering Special Characters in a Text input
Thank you @WarrenBelz, I have your process amended slightly to apply to all the fields of a form, with one label that is made visible and hides the submit button if a non-numeric character (other than ".") is inputted in any field. Specifically to force the user to not put currency symbols or "%" characters in.
Prevent user from entering Special Characters in a Text input
Hi @WarrenBelz ,
Great tutorial and its probably just me but I'm struggling to narrow the special character limit to just double-quotes. I looked up the ASCII code for double-quotes and its 34, but when I use the below shortened OnVisible function it blocks only # from being used. # is code 35 by the same table. ASCII must not be what is used, but I'm not sure what codes are in use here.
Do you have a link to the special character dictionary that this function uses? Am I doing something wrong with this function?
ClearCollect( colChar, ForAll( Sequence(1), {FieldNo: Char(34 + Value)} ) )
Prevent user from entering Special Characters in a Text input
Might be lost in translation here - I was saying you will not get an error if it is on the OnChange. If you still cannot solve this. please post a new thread on the forum as this is not really a discussion area.
Prevent user from entering Special Characters in a Text input
Hello WoarrenBelz,
but you wrote to put this on the OnChange Event of the Text box?
So, i think i don't understand you. Sorry 😁.
Prevent user from entering Special Characters in a Text input
You must not have it on the OnChange of the Text box, otherwise Reset(Self) would be valid.
Prevent user from entering Special Characters in a Text input
Hi @ALL ,
cool article, but i have a problem within the If() statement i get an error for the fasle value:
Invalid argument type (boolean). A table value is expected instead.
FieldNo in Self.Text;
{CharError: true }
)without Reset(Self) it is working.
(i have to use ";" instead of "," , because of german region settings)
Any ideas?
Prevent user from entering Special Characters in a Text input
Thank you so much for sharing this. Love it!
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