By default ,the canvas apps and flow components reside outside the solutions. We add them to solutions to make the transfer of these components easier across environments.
We adopt the following steps to add them manually to solution,
Login to
Navigate to Solutions and click on ‘New Solution’.
Add components to the created solution , by clicking on Add Existing
Apps are added successfully to solution.
By enabling the new preview feature – “Create new canvas apps in Data verse by default” components would be added to solution directly.
To do this , Login to
Choose the right environment and navigate to Settings->Products->Features and enable the “Create new canvas apps in Data verse by default”
Turn on Canvas apps and Cloud flows as per below screen shot and confirm.
After enabling this let’s create a new Canvas App in the respective environment.
Navigate to Solutions->Default Solution
We can find the new App getting listed here by default. We can also add it to a new solution manually.
We could see that new canvas app appears in default solution by default. Thus we successfully enabled the feature.
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