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Some Ways That Flows Can Help Your Personal Daily Operations

I'd like to recognize some of the cool ways that people are utilizing Flow's versatility to bring culmination to their every day tasks and/or needs. One of Microsoft Flow's features is undeniably awesome for sure. And that's the scheduler connector. With this connector you can perform such a wide range of tasks and duties that you would normally have to remember to do. I love it when I see users creating Flows that will help them with their daily tasks and personal operations.


One of my favorite examples of this would have to be a video that was created by Flow Senior PM, @JonL. Him and his friend Kent have created a button triggered flow that you can press when parking your car in a big parking lot (like the mall) to record the gps data to a SharePoint list. When you come out of the mall and you can't find your car, you can press the another flow mobile button to pull he recorded data from the first button press and applies two pins on a zoomed in 500x500px aerial view Bing Maps gps map. One pin, labeled "Car", representing the location that you pressed the first button (which is where your car is located) and one pin labeled "Me" that represents where you pressed the second button. This may not give you live directions to where your car is located, but it is definitely much better than having absolutely no idea where you've parked your car after a long day of shopping!


Another great and simple use for flow is the button triggered reminder flow. Either send an email or a mobile notification, this is an awesome and simple way to stay on top of things. I have seen so many awesome ways that people are utilizing this flow that I don't think I could pick a favorite! But I can list some of the greatest ones that's for sure. 


- A 35 min button triggered reminder flow to remind you to drink the rest of the coffee pot before it gets cold.

- A 3 hour button triggered reminder flow to tell you to stand up and take a break when working long hours sitting down.

- An 18 hour button triggered reminder flow to let you know when your crock pot is done cooking.

- A 5 min button triggered reminder flow to get to that meeting because you are easily distracted.


I think it wold be great to see some of the ways that YOU the Flow Community are using Microsoft Flow to keep track of things in your every day lives!


Please leave a short story in the comments explaining your every day flow uses! 


Thanks for reading! 



Microsoft Flow Community Manager


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