Excerise 1 - Task 3, shows how one can use existing canvas app and export/import works fine. 


However, in ideal situation, if we start form creating a "Solution" and then create a simple entity and within the same solution (not by adding existing one). then the export from one prod. env (DEV) to another prod. env. (PROD) should enable the user's in PROD env. to be able to use Canvas App. this doesn't work as of 5-Sep-2019. Here is what i did


  1. Trial Office 365 Developer Tenant
  2. Three users created with following licenses assinged
    1. Tenant Admin - O365 Developer (All Services including PowerApps for Office 365) + Power Apps Plan 2
    2. User 1 - O365 Developer (All Services including PowerApps for Office 365) + Power Apps Plan 2
    3. User 2 - O365 Developer (All Services including PowerApps for Office 365) (Note no Power Apps Plan 2 assigned)
  4. Created two environment with CDS database with following name
    1. DEFAULT (Enviromnet) already existed
    2. DEV01
    3. PROD01
  5. Tenant Admin, User 1 and User 2 has Common Data Service User (Role) in CDS database Security section.
  6. In DEV01 enviroment using Tenant Admin user created below solution
    1. Solution : Hello World
      1. created new Publisher
    2. Added new Custom Entity in solution (Note: not using existing approach)
      1. Project 
      2. Added a field "Name" - text
    3. Added new Canvas App 
      1. CRUD with Project Entity
      2. Ensured the Canvas Apps uses Common Data Service (Current Environment) as Datasource
  7. Installed and Run the Solution Checker 
  8. Exported the solution as Managed (note: also tried with Unmanaged)


Importing Solution in PROD01 environment

  1. Changed the environment to PROD01 using Tenant Admin context.
  2. Solutions --> Import (Solution) --> Import successfull.
  3. The Canvas App is shared with "User 1" --> Note --> The share pannel doesn't show the Common Data Service to pick the right Role -> Common Data Service User


Expected Behaviour.


The tenant admin should be have been shown the Common Data Service --> Role Picker during sharing of Canvas App.


This doesn't happen when i follow the "Export Canvas App" from DEV01 environment and then Import in PROD01 environment. It should work with the solution completely.


@chass  @Pstork1 can you please correct what's wrong step here?