Greetings From Your Newest Community Manager!
Hello Microsoft Flow Community!
My name is Gabriel Hollandsworth!
I am very proud to say that I have recently become the newest member of the Microsoft Flow Product Team as your new online Community Manager! I'd like to use this announcement as an opportunity to tell all of you wonderful Flow Community Members a little bit about myself and my work, and then I'll inform you all about some small changes that you can expect to see in the near future!
I grew up in a small town called Snohomish, Washington. Located about 45 minutes North of Seattle, WA. I grew up mostly playing outside with my older brother, my only sibling. Since childhood I have always been a very inquisitive individual. When having a conversation, I am always thinking of questions to ask that would fill in all the blanks in my mind. I feel that knowledge is an incomparable tool that should be shared at the fastest rate that it can be absorbed. At a very young age I sparked an interest for technology and science. Watching my mother jump on the early eBay bandwagon and start making money very quickly selling antiques and jewelery online in the late 1990's is an incredible thing to think back on today, in 2018. This led me to become very interested in making my own presence online when I was a teenager.
As I continued to High School & beyond, my focus was primarily fixed upon science and film/photography. I had made a couple of pages on Facebook that were specifically for positive sharing and communication. When one of them quickly grew to over 500 likes, I knew I had a knack for harboring online community. When I decided to start my first online freelance production & promotion company, I was only 18. I may have only had a few clients then, but it sure taught me a lot about maintaining a presence within the communities that I was a part of. Being so enthusiastic and outgoing had always propelled me to want to start a promoting and production company and become exceptionally business friendly through my work. This forced me to become familiar with providing faithful and reliable online interaction, specifically within the realm of social media. If anyone reading this has tried to promote themselves or something else on social media, you know it's hard if you're starting out on your own. So needless to say, over the years I have really been able to carve out my ideas of the "perfect way" to go about communicating and interacting within the realm of growing online communities.
This past experience has truly made me realize what an awesome privilege it is to be a part of such an awesome team here at Microsoft. I think it is a truly amazing fact that we have such a strong online community for Microsoft Flow and I'm ready to jump right in and provide any help or assistance that I can offer!
So now that you know a bit about me and my background in online communities, I'd like to tell you about some of the things that you can expect to see in the future here on the Microsoft Flow Community Page! First of all, I want to say THANK YOU.
To all of you. From the highest level of seasoned Flow community members looking for assistance with streamlining otherwise painstaking processes, all the way down to the first time Flow user who found their way to this page while creating a Flow that sends them a daily weather report notification. This community would not be the amazing place that it is without the support of every last one of you, so THANK YOU! Since all of you awesome Flow Community Members are doing such a great job, I want to offer the same to you!
Here are a few additions/alterations explaining what you can expect to see from your Flow Community Page within the coming weeks:
- A Weekly "Community Corner" Flow Blog Post, as a general overview of what happened that week in relation to the Flow Community, Authored by yours truly!
- More Frequent Flow Blog Posts Authored by Community Members
- Microsoft Flow Video Content Regularly Uploaded; Tutorials, Webinars, Hangouts, Real World Flow Adventures with Jon, and more!
I really look forward to putting these things together for all of you, and I can't wait to see what I am able to offer to this amazing online community! Please feel free to message me with ANY questions or concerns pertaining to ANYTHING related to your Microsoft Flow Online Community experience! I am here to help all of you get to the information that you need!
Thank You So Much for being a part of this excellent community! I hope to meet as many of you as humanly possible!
Go with the Flow!
-Gabriel Hollandsworth
(Microsoft Flow Community Manager)
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