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Setting up WAVES Blockchain Custom Connector

The WAVES Blockchain Platform enables users to create their own tradeable token fast & cheap. WAVES functionality is found inside the WAVES Wallet for users convenience and ease of access.

Fortunately for us WAVES have also put in all the hard work in creating a comprehensive API and Postman Collection for us so it will be really easy for us to create a connector in Microsoft Flow thus enabling us to perform workflow automations from our very own cryptocurrency.

  1.  Go to 
  2.  Click "Run In Postman"
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  3. Which will launch the "WAVES Full Node" Collection in the Postman ProgramOn the left hand side, open the menu option for the "WAVES Full Node" Collection.

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  4. Export to Version 1
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  5.  Log into your Microsoft Flow Account and Click on Settings Cog Wheel Icon and select Custom Connectors:

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  6.  Create a Custom Connector using Import from a Postman Collection
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  7.  Input name of your choice I used "WAVES Blockchain" and find the file location of the WAVES full node Postman collection file (ensure to change the filetype to all files instead of JSON)

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  8. Click Continue
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  9. Optional task you can upload icon and set the background colour of the connector. I found via this link an appropriate logo of WAVES Platform that I feel suits found here  and included the background colour to be white, so added the color code "#FFFFFF"
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  10.  Change the Host to "" which is a public node that will connect to all the end points listed in the Postman collection.
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  11. Click on security and as long as "No authentication" is listed click on definition

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  12. This bit is the time consuming task, the Postman Collection seems to have many duplicate Operation ID which is not allowable for Microsoft Flow as each Action must have a unique name. We therefore need to update each of the Actions which have been marked as a Red Alert for us:

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  13.  For example the first duplicate ID is "State", so I changed it to "StateMinerDebug" as this is what this particular Action ID is referring to:
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    After changing the Operation ID to a unique name the Red Alert error is now gone. It is also a good idea at the same time to update the Summary field as this is what will show up when using the Connector for your Flows.
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  14. In actual fact it would be a good idea to go through each Action to make sure the name makes sense to you as you may prefer different names to match API end point. HINT:  If you are ever confused what name to use, review the default description and the web address to give you some ideas.

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  15. Some errors are not due to duplication but the use of illegal characters such as ":"

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  16. Check you have cleared all the Red Alert Errors by scrolling through the Action End Points on the left hand side and checking there is no Red Alert Symbols showing:
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  17. Click on "Create Connector"
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  18. Click "Test" at the bottom right to proceed to next step:
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  19. Click on "New Connection" which details of the new connection should automatically pop up:

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  20. Some Action steps require you to input details or an API key (if using private messages) however there are many others which you can use to simply extract data from the Public Blockchain. These ones you should be able to "Test Operation" and a green tick will appear if working.

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  21. Then click Close (you do not need to test every API end point) to finalise.
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  22. You should now see your WAVES Connection in the Custom Connectors.
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  23. To confirm this is an active connection on your list of connections when building your Flows, you should be able to see it listed under Connections:

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    (I am not sure why the logo doesn't appear but it does show up when building Flows)
  24. When it comes to building your Flows you should see the connection available like all the others
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  25. You are now ready to build Blockchain Workflow Automations Smiley Surprised !

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If the above is too many steps for you, I have even made it easier. I have created a swagger file that includes the above changes. 

I did this by clicking download on my custom connection

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The steps to quickly create your own WAVES Blockchain Connection is:

  1. Download the Swagger File HERE
  2. Create Custom Connector via OpenAPIfile
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  3. Give the Connection a Title and Select the Swagger file recently downloaded
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  4. Unfortunately the logo is not in the file, so you will need to complete Optional Task from Step 9 above if you want the logo.
  5.  Click Create Connector on Top Right
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  6. The connection needs to be established so once connector has been created go back to your Custom Connections and click "+" for add connection

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  7. Now the connector is ready to be used

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What use cases can you come up with now you can create automations from WAVES Blockchain data? 

I will be exploring use cases in upcoming articles, so stay tuned for more!

If you wish to submit your own use case please email me on I will share it amongst the WAVES community.

David Plaut is a Chartered Accountant, Chartered Tax Advisor and National Ambassador for WAVES Blockchain in Australia. David, is a specialist in business advisory and automation for over 12 years and currently owner & operator of White Label Accounting Solutions, a boutique Accounting Practice specalising in small business advisory and  a platform for Bookkeepers to join for opportunity to offer holistic client advisory services. 


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