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Power Automate Fundamentals # 15: Usage of Mod Function in Power Automate

Power Automate Fundamentals # 15: Usage of Mod Function in Power Automate



In Power Automate, at times we need to perform Modular arithmetic operations so that we can get desired result, as an example we can see number of customers waiting for tables based on the customers present in a hotel , so that customers will get information about the number of customers waiting , so that they can plan accordingly.


Step 1:

Login to the required Power Apps environment using URL by providing username and password and click on Flows on the left-hand side as shown in the below figure.

Usage of Mod Function in Power Automate Figure 1.jpg

Step 2:

After Step 1, Click on New Flow and select instant cloud flow and provide the trigger as Manually trigger a flow and click on Create as shown in the below figure.

Usage of Mod Function in Power Automate Figure 2.jpg

Step 3:

After Step 2, Add a parallel branch and in one part name flow as Mod Function and take initialize variable action and provide step name it as Total Customers and then provide the inputs as in one side

Name : Customers

Type : Integer

Value : 17

as shown in the below figure.

Usage of Mod Function in Power Automate Figure 3.jpg

Step 4:

After Step 3, in the other side of the parallel branch take initialize variable action and name it as Maximum Customers per Table in 5 tables and provide 

Name : Table Maximum Capacity Allowed To Sit

Type : Integer

Value : 3

as shown in the below figure.

Usage of Mod Function in Power Automate Figure 4.jpg

Step 5:

After Step 4, take compose action and name it as Get Number of Customers waiting for Table provide inputs with mod function which expects two parameters dividend and divisor both are numbers  

Mod(dividend: number,divisor: number)

and provide values in the expression from Step 3, Step 4

mod(variables('Customers'),variables('Table Maximum Capacity Allowed To Sit'))

and click on Ok/Update as shown in the below figure.

Usage of Mod Function in Power Automate Figure 5.jpg


Step 6:

After Step 5, now save the flow and Test and Run the flow and see the result that 3 number is written which infers 2 members are waiting among 17 members as 5 tables are occupied with 3 members each   as shown in the below figure.

Usage of Mod Function in Power Automate Figure 6.jpg



  1. Make sure to save and run the flow whenever you try expressions.
  2. MS documentation is found at here

Conclusion: In this way we can easily perform arithmetic operations like Mod in Power Automate flow.


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