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Automated Bookings Feedback

Hello Flow Community!


As an owner of a small consulting company, I use Microsoft Bookings to allow potential clients to schedule an introductory requirements gathering call with me.  This works out great because it automatically syncs with my Outlook calendar and allows me to define the parameters for when I want to allow people to book appointments. 


As potential clients start using this feature, I want to be able to gather feedback on how they think the call went.  I thought this would be a great use for Microsoft Forms so I built this simple two question feedback form:






The last piece of the puzzle is to automate this process so I don't have to manually follow up with each prospect.  That's where Flow comes in!  There isn't a Flow connector for Bookings but since the appointments are added to my Outlook calendar, we can use Office 365 Outlook "When a new event is created" trigger.




This trigger will execute every time a new event is added but we only want to send an email if it's a Bookings event.  We can tell if the event comes from Bookings by the organizer e-mail which is unique to Bookings.  We can also refine it further by restricting by the event subject which will tie back to the Bookings service name.  To filter the non-Bookings events out, we will insert a Condition and apply the formula below:


@and(contains(triggerBody()?['Subject'], 'Discovery Call'),equals(triggerBody()?['Organizer'], ''))


If the outcome of this condition is Yes then we need to use the Compose action to format the date and time that we want to send the e-mail with the survey link.  I want to send the e-mail an hour after the bookings appointment end date.  The function to format this date variable will look like this:




We need to use the formatDateTime function to make sure the End variable is in the correct UTC format that the Delay Until function expects.  We are also using the addHours function to add one hour to the end date.  
Next step is to insert a Delay Until action and set the value to the output of our Compose action.  This will pause our Flow until one hour after the Bookings appointment end date.  An important thing to note here is that you can only delay a Flow for a maximum of 30 days.  I have my Bookings set up so that you can only schedule an appointment 15 days in the future so this will not be an issue in this case.


The final step is to add our Send E-mail action.  We will set the To field to the required and optional attendees from our Event added trigger and finish filling out the subject and body.




Now we have a fully automated way to gather client feedback after a Microsoft Bookings appointment thanks to Flow!



*This post is locked for comments

  • Manimalinc Profile Picture Manimalinc
    Posted at
    Automated Bookings Feedback

    I also encountered this issue  - And i woudl ideally like it to work direct on any Bookings "calendars", I am still working on it !

  • cconway22 Profile Picture cconway22 6
    Posted at
    Automated Bookings Feedback

    Agreed. April, don't get me wrong, the fact that you even made this post is great leadership on your part, however, like others said, it doesn't really work and I'm wondering if you even tried it. I've been using your post as a jumping off point and appending the steps found in this video but even then the email isn't populating to even send a survey to users after the fact. (2) 📅 Email Daily Summary Of Bookings Using Power Automate 📅 | Microsoft Bookings Series - YouTube

  • FFH Profile Picture FFH
    Posted at
    Automated Bookings Feedback

     Very useful instructions. Thanks a lot!
    However, I have the same problem pointed out above... That the Customer e-mail address is not present in any of the attendees fields. As a result, the survey is only sent to myself (the service provider) and to the e-mail address of the Microsoft Bookings calendar. 
     How can I solve this? How can I fetch my customer's e-mail from the body of the calendar event?
    Any help would be super appreciated. 🙂

  • FernandoAlves Profile Picture FernandoAlves
    Posted at
    Automated Bookings Feedback

    Great article. 

    I'm trying to implement a similar approach to your, however, the fields Optional Attendees and Required attendees are always empty. I'm not sure what is happening since email are sent to both the service provider and the customer that booked an appointment. Any ideas?

  • alonsopm Profile Picture alonsopm
    Posted at
    Automated Bookings Feedback

    Thanks a lot for sharing this, it is very useful as currently it appears Microsoft won't reléase any Bookings connector son. The 'edit in advanced mode' for the Condition is not possible anymore but it should work with the boolean values. Does this mechanism work with the new updates on Microsoft Flow?

    Thank you again!



  • ScottCooper Profile Picture ScottCooper 19
    Posted at
    Automated Bookings Feedback

    Really like this approach but I do have one question. How do you account for bookings that are subsequently cancelled or amended?

  • Automated Bookings Feedback

    This is super helpful, thanks!


    I wonder when we will get an actual Bookings connector?