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How To Get Automatic Alerts From Microsoft Flow When My Boss Send Me an Email

I'll be the first to admit that sometimes the hordes of emails that go through my inbox area bit much for me to handle and keep track of on my own. That's why we have the technology to help us out with things like this, right?! Technology like Microsoft Flow, that is! I have managed to read nearly all of the emails sent to me from my boss within mere seconds of receiving them, thanks to the help of this Flow. Now I'd like to share it with you!


Building Your Boss Email Alert System Flow:


First, you'll need to be logged into the Flow Website. Navigate to the "Create From Blank" page once you're logged in. From there, you'll want to create the trigger "When an Email is Received" and click "Inbox" as the source folder:



















Next, you'll create a condition that will check the sender details and decide whether or not the email that arrived has been sent by your boss. You'll set the first part of the condition to decipher whether "From" "Is Equal To":



















The second part of the condition will decide if the "From" "Is Equal To" your boss's email address:














Now you'll set the action in the "Yes" branch of the condition to "Move Email" to the desired folder. Set the "Message Id" as the "Message Id" from the Dynamic Content panel and then select your folder that you'd like all the emails to go to. I've created a folder titled "From Jon" to keep it simple:




















Lastly, create a "Send me a Mobile Notification" action in the "Yes" branch of the condition that will alert you when an email from your boss has arrived and gone through this Flow:























Make sure you DON'T FORGET to leave the "No" branch of the condition blank so that no action is taken by the Flow when emails that aren't from your boss arrive in your inbox:
















Thank you for reading! I hope this was able to help you understand Flow better in some kind of way!


Please leave comments and ideas below!



Microsoft Flow Community ManageR







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  • leoparty2020 Profile Picture leoparty2020
    Posted at
    How To Get Automatic Alerts From Microsoft Flow When My Boss Send Me an Email

    Perfect - Thanks Gabriel 👍

  • GabrielStJohn Profile Picture GabrielStJohn
    Posted at
    How To Get Automatic Alerts From Microsoft Flow When My Boss Send Me an Email

    Hey, @leoparty2020!

    Thanks so much for reaching out! In order for the condition to work properly to check for multiple email addresses, you would need to change "is equal to" to "contains" and separate the email addresses by commas. This way it should be able to "check" for all of the separate email addresses rather than only running when the sender details "is equal to" to what you have in the field.

    I hope that helps!




    Power Automate Community Manager 

  • leoparty2020 Profile Picture leoparty2020
    Posted at
    How To Get Automatic Alerts From Microsoft Flow When My Boss Send Me an Email



    Quite new to PA so sorry if this is a silly question.  Is this flow specific to one user (boss) or can you add multiple senders.  If so, how do you separate the email addresses.  I tried with a comma separator and it didn't seem to like it -  Thanks