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Send an Email From Power Automate That Doesn't Come from You

I am constantly scanning the Power Automate community site and I see certain question repeatedly pop-up.  One of those questions is how to send an email from Power Automate that doesn't come from the Flow author.   There are a number of options as I will explain below.


By default, when sending an email using the Office 365 Outlook Send an email (V2) action that the connection determines who the email will be from.  When adding an action the connection for the Flow author is automatically used.  So, if I author the Flow, the email will be from me.


To change who the email is from, you have two options.  


Add a connection

The first option is to create a connection for the additional account.  You'll need the users email address as well as password to add the connection.  To add the connection, click on "Add a new connection" under "My connections.


You will be prompted for the the email address and password associated with the account.  Once that information is provided, a new connection is created and automatically selected for this action.


Once the connection has been created, it can be selected at any time in this or other Flows for any action that requires a connection.  With the new connection selected, emails sent from this action will be from the account associated with the new connection.


Use the "Send as" feature

Another option is for you to use the "Send as" option. You'll need to click on "Show advanced options" to configure "Send as".


To use this option, you are required to have "Send as" permissions granted to you in order to send an email which shows as being from that account.  


Shared Mailbox

Rather than using the "Send an email" action, you might also consider using the "Send an email from a shared mailbox (V2)" action. Obviously, you need to have a shared mailbox and have permissions to send an email from that shared mailbox.  The email will show as being sent from the shared mailbox and not the Flow author.  An advantage of using this that no additional Microsoft 365 licenses are being used - there is no cost for a shared mailbox.


The final option available to you without purchasing third party connectors or services is to use the "Send an email notification" action.  Emails sent using this action show as from "Microsoft Power Apps and Power Automate".





























None of the options that I have presented are better than any other option.  The choice is totally dependent on you specific requirements.


*This post is locked for comments

  • Chafik94 Profile Picture Chafik94
    Posted at
    Send an Email From Power Automate That Doesn't Come from You

    Thanks  a lot Scott! i was looking for the last option 

  • Marius_O Profile Picture Marius_O
    Posted at
    Send an Email From Power Automate That Doesn't Come from You

    Thanks a lot Scott! This saved my day 👌👌

  • Tracynguyen Profile Picture Tracynguyen
    Posted at
    Send an Email From Power Automate That Doesn't Come from You

    nice sharing, thanks a lot!

  • Sara Suarez Profile Picture Sara Suarez 41
    Posted at
    Send an Email From Power Automate That Doesn't Come from You

    very insightful

  • asd2525 Profile Picture asd2525 66
    Posted at
    Send an Email From Power Automate That Doesn't Come from You

    @marybb I know this is an old post but what I would recommend is putting the person who filled out the form into the Reply To: field. That should be sufficient for when they reply to the original email to get it to go to the sender.

  • Larimer77 Profile Picture Larimer77
    Posted at
    Send an Email From Power Automate That Doesn't Come from You

    Great tip! I can see how this could be useful.

  • d_aleshire Profile Picture d_aleshire
    Posted at
    Send an Email From Power Automate That Doesn't Come from You

    @marybb instead of a Microsoft form you could simply create a canvas app form and have an instant cloud flow tied to the submit button.. When a user clicks the button the information can be stored and an email sent out. The initiating credentials of the user that clicks the button should be used for the flow. Automated and scheduled cloud flows always use the connector credentials of the flow.

  • jainbhavesh89 Profile Picture jainbhavesh89 5
    Posted at
    Send an Email From Power Automate That Doesn't Come from You

    Hi David,


    how to enable this setting?


    " I just switched a workflow over to using the Send from a shared mailbox action "


    could you please elaborate?

  • David- Profile Picture David- 1,254
    Posted at
    Send an Email From Power Automate That Doesn't Come from You

    Thank you! There are so many actions in Power Automate it is tough to know everything that is available. I always used the send on behalf of option. I just switched a workflow over to using the Send from a shared mailbox action and it seems to improve the performance of my workflow. In addition, I don't have all of these e-mail in my sent folder. They're now in the sent folder of the shared mailbox only.


    The only feature missing in the Send from a shared mailbox is the ability to set the  sensitivity label.

  • Amira_Shlebik Profile Picture Amira_Shlebik 6
    Posted at
    Send an Email From Power Automate That Doesn't Come from You

    thank you sir