When a new email arrives then Create Azure Dev Ops Work Item with email attachments
Here are steps to do this:
Add condition to check content type of the attachment : body('Get_file_content_using_path')?['body']
Add the attachment to the work item
'op': 'add',
'path': '/relations/-',
'value': {
'rel': 'AttachedFile',
'url': '@{outputs('
Send_an_HTTP_request_to_Azure_DevOps ')?['
body ']['
url ']}',
Still in this IF YES block, add new action to check of the email body contains image:
OK, now, in IF NO of the first condition:
The body content when we submit the attachment to the Azure Devop should be:
I attached the flow for your reference.
If you have issue when importing it. Just click Save as new on the top of importing screen
Good luck with Power Platform
David Nguyen
When a new email arrives then Create Azure Dev Ops Work Item with email attachments
When I emailed "help.ado@tally.com" then the work item creates automatically.
If I replied to that email then again new work item is creating(It's a duplicate).
But my requirement is when I replied to that email then it should update it in the Work Item discussion or description. How do I achieve this?
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