Department Org Chart that surfaces the selected employee's direct reports.
2 Blank Vertical Galleries
1 Blank Horizontal Gallery
First Things First!
Azure Active Directory.
I am using my developer tenant in this post but this will work the same on any tenant.
You may wish to check with your company policies on displaying org charts.
I have a client where displaying an Org Chart of all personnel is not allowed.
Turn off Scale to fit and Lock aspect ratio located under File->App settings->Screen size + orientation ->Advanced settings
Add the Office365Users connector.
In the App OnStart property add the following:
// OrgChart - Set to the Department Manager
// We reset the variable TopLevelManager to the selected manager and their direct reports. Set( TopLevelManager, [DEPARTMENT MANAGER EMAIL ADDRESS / USERPRINCIPALNAME] )
Department Manager
Insert a Blank Vertical Gallery on the canvas,
Height: 161
Width: Parent.Width
Name: DepartmentManager
X: 0
Y: 0
Place in the DepartmentManager gallery an image control, three labels, a Rectangle icon, a Person icon, and a button.
Image: (Rounded Photo centered horizontally and vertically within the gallery)
Name: ManagerPhoto
Width: 100
Height: 100
BorderRadius: 60
X: Parent.Width / 2 - ManagerPhoto.Width / 2
Y: Parent.Height / 2 - ManagerPhoto.Height / 2
// Determine if employee has uploaded an Image to their profile.
// Profile images can be uploaded through Delve.
// If no image is available, display the Person Icon.
If( !IsBlank(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName), If( Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName).HasPhoto = true, Office365Users.UserPhotoV2(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName) ) )
Label 1:
Name: ManagerName
Text: ThisItem.DisplayName
Color: RGBA(34, 181, 176, 1)
X: ManagerPhoto.X + ManagerPhoto.Width + 20 (Place to the right of the ManagerPhoto with 20 pixels of padding)
Y: 44
Label 2:
Name: ManagerTitle
Text: ThisItem.JobTitle
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
X: ManagerName.X
Y: 84
Label 3:
Name: ManagerDept
Text: ThisItem.JobTitle
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
X: ManagerName.X
Y: 116
Vertical Bar Icon:
Icon: Rectangle
Width: 5
Height: 30
Fill: RGBA(34, 181, 176, 1)
X: ManagerPhoto.X + ManagerPhoto.Width / 2
Y: ManagerPhoto.Y + ManagerPhoto.Height + 10 (Place below the ManagerPhoto with 10 pixels of padding on top)
Person Icon:
Icon: Person
Name: PersonIcon
Width: ManagerPhoto.Width
Height: ManagerPhoto.Height
Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)
X: ManagerPhoto.X
Y: ManagerPhoto.Y
Name: btnDeptManager
Width: 160
Height: 76
Text: Department Manager
X: 40
Y: 40
NOTE: As you make changes to the app your controls may dissappear from time to time and you will see the Error icon, X in a red circle.
To fix this just select Run On Start in the App layer.
Also NOTE:
Responsive Design, if you manually move the control, the formula will be deleted and the X and Y will be set to a new hard coded coordinate. To fix this just add the appropriate formula once more.
1st Level Reports
Insert a Blank Horizontal Gallery onto the canvas just below the DepartmentManager gallery.
Height: Parent.Height
Width: Parent.Width
Name: Department
X: 0
Y: DepartmentManager.Y + DepartmentManager.Height
// We need to filter the DepartmentManager Direct Reports to only surface the direct reports for the given manager.
// We need to use the Not operator to only surface actual employee accounts whom have been assigned to a department
// due to some accounts in Active Directory are not actual Employee Accounts. These accounts could be
// Test Accounts, Room Accounts, Resource Accounts, Security Groups etc...
If( !IsBlank(First(DepartmentManager.AllItems).UserPrincipalName), Filter( Office365Users.DirectReports(First(DepartmentManager.AllItems).UserPrincipalName), Not(IsBlank(Department)) ) )
Place in the Department Gallery an Image control, three Labels, a Rectangle icon, a Person icon.
Image: (Rounded Photo centered horizontally and vertically within the gallery)
Name: ReportPhoto
Width: 88
Height: 88
BorderRadius: 60
X: Parent.X / 2 + ReportPhoto.Width / 2
Y: Parent.Y / 2 - ReportPhoto.Height / 2
// Determine if employee has uploaded an Image to their profile.
// Profile images can be uploaded through Delve.
If( !IsBlank(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName), If( Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName).HasPhoto = true, Office365Users.UserPhotoV2(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName) ) )
Person Icon:
Icon: Person
Name: ReportIcon
Width: ReportPhoto.Width
Height: ReportPhoto.Height
Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)
X: ReportPhoto.X
Y: ReportPhoto.Y
Visible: true
// If profile image is available set the PersonIcon color Opacity to 0 to hide it or 1 to show // IMPORTANT: Person Icon must placed on top of the Profile Image for the // Hand Cursor to appear when the user rolls mouse pointer over the image If( !IsBlank(Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName).HasPhoto = true, RGBA( 0, 18, 107, 0 ), RGBA( 0, 18, 107, 1 ) )
Label 1:
Name: titlePName
Text: ThisItem.UserPrincipalName
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
X: 0
Y: 0
Visible: False
Label 2:
Name: ReportName
Text: ThisItem.DisplayName
Color: RGBA(34, 181, 176, 1)
X: 0
Y: ReportPhoto.Y + ReportPhoto.Height + 10 (Place below the ReportPhoto with 10 pixels of padding on top)
Visible: True
Label 3:
Name: ReportDepartment
Text: ThisItem.Department
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
X: 0
Y: ReportName.Y + ReportName.Height + 10 (Place below the ReportName with 10 pixels of padding on top)
Visible: True
Vertical Bar Icon:
Icon: Rectangle
Name: tieLine
Width: 5
Height: 30
Fill: RGBA(34, 181, 176, 1)
X: ReportDepartment.X + ReportDepartment.Width / 2
Y: ReportDepartment.Y + ReportDepartment.Height + 5 (Place below the ReportDepartment with 5 pixels of padding on top)
2nd Level Reports
Embed a Blank Vertical Gallery into the Department Gallery just below the Vertical Bar named tieLine.
Height: Parent.Height
Width: Parent.Width
Name: DirectReports
X: 0
Y: tieLine.Y + tieLine.Height
If( !IsBlank(titlePName.Text), Filter( Office365Users.DirectReports(titlePName.Text), Not(IsBlank(Department)) ) )
Image: (Rounded Photo centered horizontally and vertically within the gallery)
Name: ReportPhoto_2
Width: 88
Height: 88
BorderRadius: 60
X: Parent.X / 2 + ReportPhoto_2.Width / 2
Y: Parent.Y / 2 - ReportPhoto_2.Height
// Determine if employee has uploaded an Image to their profile. Profile images can be uploaded through Delve.
// If no image is available, display the Person Icon.
If( !IsBlank(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName), If( Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName).HasPhoto = true, Office365Users.UserPhotoV2(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName) ) )
Person Icon:
Icon: Person
Name: ReportIcon
Width: ReportPhoto_2.Width
Height: ReportPhoto_2.Height
Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)
X: ReportPhoto_2.X
Y: ReportPhoto_2.Y
Visible: true
// If profile image is available set the PersonIcon color Opacity to 0 to hide it or 1 to show // IMPORTANT: Person Icon must placed on top of the Profile Image for the // Hand Cursor to appear when the user rolls mouse pointer over the image If( !IsBlank(Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName).HasPhoto = true, RGBA( 0, 18, 107, 0 ), RGBA( 0, 18, 107, 1 ) )
Label 2:
Name: ReportName_2
Text: ThisItem.DisplayName
Color: RGBA(34, 181, 176, 1)
X: 0
Y: ReportPhoto_2.Y + ReportPhoto_2.Height + 10 (Place below the ReportPhoto_2 with 10 pixels of padding on top)
Visible: True
Label 3:
Name: ReportDepartment_2
Text: ThisItem.Department
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
X: 0
Y: ReportName_2.Y + ReportName_2.Height + 10 (Place below the ReportName_2 with 10 pixels of padding on top)
Visible: True
You should now have something similiar to
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