PowerApps Department Org Chart
Department Org Chart that surfaces the selected employee's direct reports.
2 Blank Vertical Galleries
1 Blank Horizontal Gallery
First Things First!
Azure Active Directory.
I am using my developer tenant in this post but this will work the same on any tenant.
You may wish to check with your company policies on displaying org charts.
I have a client where displaying an Org Chart of all personnel is not allowed.
Turn off Scale to fit and Lock aspect ratio located under File->App settings->Screen size + orientation ->Advanced settings
Add the Office365Users connector.
In the App OnStart property add the following:
// OrgChart - Set to the Department Manager
// We reset the variable TopLevelManager to the selected manager and their direct reports. Set( TopLevelManager, [DEPARTMENT MANAGER EMAIL ADDRESS / USERPRINCIPALNAME] )
Department Manager
Insert a Blank Vertical Gallery on the canvas,
Height: 161
Width: Parent.Width
Name: DepartmentManager
X: 0
Y: 0
Place in the DepartmentManager gallery an image control, three labels, a Rectangle icon, a Person icon, and a button.
Image: (Rounded Photo centered horizontally and vertically within the gallery)
Name: ManagerPhoto
Width: 100
Height: 100
BorderRadius: 60
X: Parent.Width / 2 - ManagerPhoto.Width / 2
Y: Parent.Height / 2 - ManagerPhoto.Height / 2
// Determine if employee has uploaded an Image to their profile.
// Profile images can be uploaded through Delve.
// If no image is available, display the Person Icon.
If( !IsBlank(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName), If( Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName).HasPhoto = true, Office365Users.UserPhotoV2(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName) ) )
Label 1:
Name: ManagerName
Text: ThisItem.DisplayName
Color: RGBA(34, 181, 176, 1)
X: ManagerPhoto.X + ManagerPhoto.Width + 20 (Place to the right of the ManagerPhoto with 20 pixels of padding)
Y: 44
Label 2:
Name: ManagerTitle
Text: ThisItem.JobTitle
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
X: ManagerName.X
Y: 84
Label 3:
Name: ManagerDept
Text: ThisItem.JobTitle
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
X: ManagerName.X
Y: 116
Vertical Bar Icon:
Icon: Rectangle
Width: 5
Height: 30
Fill: RGBA(34, 181, 176, 1)
X: ManagerPhoto.X + ManagerPhoto.Width / 2
Y: ManagerPhoto.Y + ManagerPhoto.Height + 10 (Place below the ManagerPhoto with 10 pixels of padding on top)
Person Icon:
Icon: Person
Name: PersonIcon
Width: ManagerPhoto.Width
Height: ManagerPhoto.Height
Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)
X: ManagerPhoto.X
Y: ManagerPhoto.Y
Name: btnDeptManager
Width: 160
Height: 76
Text: Department Manager
X: 40
Y: 40
NOTE: As you make changes to the app your controls may dissappear from time to time and you will see the Error icon, X in a red circle.
To fix this just select Run On Start in the App layer.
Also NOTE:
Responsive Design, if you manually move the control, the formula will be deleted and the X and Y will be set to a new hard coded coordinate. To fix this just add the appropriate formula once more.
1st Level Reports
Insert a Blank Horizontal Gallery onto the canvas just below the DepartmentManager gallery.
Height: Parent.Height
Width: Parent.Width
Name: Department
X: 0
Y: DepartmentManager.Y + DepartmentManager.Height
// We need to filter the DepartmentManager Direct Reports to only surface the direct reports for the given manager.
// We need to use the Not operator to only surface actual employee accounts whom have been assigned to a department
// due to some accounts in Active Directory are not actual Employee Accounts. These accounts could be
// Test Accounts, Room Accounts, Resource Accounts, Security Groups etc...
If( !IsBlank(First(DepartmentManager.AllItems).UserPrincipalName), Filter( Office365Users.DirectReports(First(DepartmentManager.AllItems).UserPrincipalName), Not(IsBlank(Department)) ) )
Place in the Department Gallery an Image control, three Labels, a Rectangle icon, a Person icon.
Image: (Rounded Photo centered horizontally and vertically within the gallery)
Name: ReportPhoto
Width: 88
Height: 88
BorderRadius: 60
X: Parent.X / 2 + ReportPhoto.Width / 2
Y: Parent.Y / 2 - ReportPhoto.Height / 2
// Determine if employee has uploaded an Image to their profile.
// Profile images can be uploaded through Delve.
If( !IsBlank(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName), If( Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName).HasPhoto = true, Office365Users.UserPhotoV2(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName) ) )
Person Icon:
Icon: Person
Name: ReportIcon
Width: ReportPhoto.Width
Height: ReportPhoto.Height
Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)
X: ReportPhoto.X
Y: ReportPhoto.Y
Visible: true
// If profile image is available set the PersonIcon color Opacity to 0 to hide it or 1 to show // IMPORTANT: Person Icon must placed on top of the Profile Image for the // Hand Cursor to appear when the user rolls mouse pointer over the image If( !IsBlank(Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName).HasPhoto = true, RGBA( 0, 18, 107, 0 ), RGBA( 0, 18, 107, 1 ) )
Label 1:
Name: titlePName
Text: ThisItem.UserPrincipalName
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
X: 0
Y: 0
Visible: False
Label 2:
Name: ReportName
Text: ThisItem.DisplayName
Color: RGBA(34, 181, 176, 1)
X: 0
Y: ReportPhoto.Y + ReportPhoto.Height + 10 (Place below the ReportPhoto with 10 pixels of padding on top)
Visible: True
Label 3:
Name: ReportDepartment
Text: ThisItem.Department
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
X: 0
Y: ReportName.Y + ReportName.Height + 10 (Place below the ReportName with 10 pixels of padding on top)
Visible: True
Vertical Bar Icon:
Icon: Rectangle
Name: tieLine
Width: 5
Height: 30
Fill: RGBA(34, 181, 176, 1)
X: ReportDepartment.X + ReportDepartment.Width / 2
Y: ReportDepartment.Y + ReportDepartment.Height + 5 (Place below the ReportDepartment with 5 pixels of padding on top)
2nd Level Reports
Embed a Blank Vertical Gallery into the Department Gallery just below the Vertical Bar named tieLine.
Height: Parent.Height
Width: Parent.Width
Name: DirectReports
X: 0
Y: tieLine.Y + tieLine.Height
If( !IsBlank(titlePName.Text), Filter( Office365Users.DirectReports(titlePName.Text), Not(IsBlank(Department)) ) )
Image: (Rounded Photo centered horizontally and vertically within the gallery)
Name: ReportPhoto_2
Width: 88
Height: 88
BorderRadius: 60
X: Parent.X / 2 + ReportPhoto_2.Width / 2
Y: Parent.Y / 2 - ReportPhoto_2.Height
// Determine if employee has uploaded an Image to their profile. Profile images can be uploaded through Delve.
// If no image is available, display the Person Icon.
If( !IsBlank(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName), If( Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName).HasPhoto = true, Office365Users.UserPhotoV2(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName) ) )
Person Icon:
Icon: Person
Name: ReportIcon
Width: ReportPhoto_2.Width
Height: ReportPhoto_2.Height
Fill: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0)
X: ReportPhoto_2.X
Y: ReportPhoto_2.Y
Visible: true
// If profile image is available set the PersonIcon color Opacity to 0 to hide it or 1 to show // IMPORTANT: Person Icon must placed on top of the Profile Image for the // Hand Cursor to appear when the user rolls mouse pointer over the image If( !IsBlank(Office365Users.UserPhotoMetadata(ThisItem.UserPrincipalName).HasPhoto = true, RGBA( 0, 18, 107, 0 ), RGBA( 0, 18, 107, 1 ) )
Label 2:
Name: ReportName_2
Text: ThisItem.DisplayName
Color: RGBA(34, 181, 176, 1)
X: 0
Y: ReportPhoto_2.Y + ReportPhoto_2.Height + 10 (Place below the ReportPhoto_2 with 10 pixels of padding on top)
Visible: True
Label 3:
Name: ReportDepartment_2
Text: ThisItem.Department
Color: RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1)
X: 0
Y: ReportName_2.Y + ReportName_2.Height + 10 (Place below the ReportName_2 with 10 pixels of padding on top)
Visible: True
You should now have something similiar to
PowerApps Department Org Chart
This is great, and helpful; I really wanted to build a table dynamically of where a user sits in the organizational hierarchy. This is what I came up with; I made an assumption that any individual is never more than 10 levels deep.
combined a few things to get this working;
collections (table)
using ForAll() to "do something a number of times""iterated over" a static "Loop" collection... I'm sure there are simpler ways to control the "number of times"
referencing the last table row's value when adding another row to the collection/table- Last(<collection>).<attribute_name>
and checking for errors... if using Office365Users.ManagerV2() has an error, don't add anything the the collection.
its not the most elegant, but hey, this is powerapps.
results in a collection of the User and their management hierarchy; and saves a comma separated list of all the email addresses.
The collection can be used as the data source for a vertical gallery, for example.ClearCollect(Loop,
{email:Office365Users.UserProfileV2(User().Email).mail, name:Office365Users.UserProfileV2(User().Email).displayName});
{email:Office365Users.ManagerV2(Last(org_hier).email).mail, name:Office365Users.ManagerV2(Last(org_hier).email).displayName})
Set(org_string,Concat(org_hier.email, email, ", ")); -
PowerApps Department Org Chart
Hi KC,
I tried to set up the org chart following your tuto but, I can't make it worked correctly.
In the App "OnStart" function, I've set up : Set(TopLevelManager,"name@domain.com") replacing by my manager email. I have done the same in the btnDptManager "OnSelect" function.
In the "Items" function of the gallery DepartmentManager, I've set : Office365Users.UserProfile(TopLevelManager) but I have the issue : Invalid argument type (Error). Expecting a text value instead.
Same for ReportIcon and ReportPhoto "OnSelect" function, I've set : Set(TopLevelManager,UserPrincipalName) and I have issue : "Name isn"t valid. This identifier isn't recognized.
I am pretty sure it's only a little issue, but I've spent time on it and I cannot find a solution... I've made it work using ThisItem.UserPrincipalName for some functions but some others are not working well if I do that.
Thanks for the help,
PowerApps Department Org Chart
Hi Jambo,
Sorry for the late reply, I'm glad you were able to sort this out.
PowerApps Department Org Chart
Having slept on it - I got it sorted - I hadnt embedded the direct reports gallery in the department gallery
PowerApps Department Org Chart
Hi @KC , thanks for this - I am getting it to work ok for the first 2 levels, but for the direct reports I am only getting the gallery going down and not accross if you see what I mean. I am getting test user and test user2 in your example but cant see how to get pebbles flintstone to be visable at the same time.
If I click on Barney Rubble I get him but then I miss out on Testuser2
PowerApps Department Org Chart
Hi Mays,
This variable would be set to the managers company email address, usually, the email address is also the same as the UserPrincipalName registered in your organizations Active Directory.
PowerApps Department Org Chart
hello ... thank you for your efforts ,
can you just explain this step in more detail ,
I got an error when perform it
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