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Using Expand Query in Power Automate with CDS

Power Automate plus the Common Data ServicePower Automate plus the Common Data Service


Before We Dive In

If you use Power Automate (Flow) and model-driven Power Apps, then (hopefully) you are aware of the “Common Data Service (current environment)” (CDS-ce) connector. Within this connector, there is an “Expand Query” option. This blog post will help explain how to use this.


Note: Check out Sara Lagerquist’s excellent blog called “CDS vs CDS: What Connector should I use in Power Automate?“. This will help you understand the difference between the Common Data Service connectors.

Let’s Dive In Power Apps Solution

To get started, I have already created a solution within the Power Apps maker site called “PA Flows” (for “Power Automate Flows”). The next step would be to create a new flow within the solution.


Power Automate solution created within Power Apps maker sitePower Automate solution created within Power Apps maker site


Create new Power Automate flow within solutionCreate new Power Automate flow within solution



Note: For this example, I have already started a flow with a Flow Button as the trigger. You can utilize whatever trigger you would like within your flow(s).

The Flow Setup

In the flow, I have a “List Records” action (renamed “List Opportunities”). In this example I am listing the Opportunities from Dynamics 365. I also have a simple ODATA “Filter Query” of “statecode eq 0” (0 = Active/Open).




*This post is locked for comments

  • PowerBack19 Profile Picture PowerBack19 681
    Posted 11 Aug 2020 at 19:08:07
    Using Expand Query in Power Automate with CDS

    @Ksepahman - I would suggest you set the HTML columns to "Automatic" and do a test run. Then check the output to see what is listed.

  • Kia Sepahmansoor Profile Picture Kia Sepahmansoor 22
    Posted 26 Jul 2020 at 22:10:44
    Using Expand Query in Power Automate with CDS

    @PowerBack19  Thanks for the instructions. Though I still cannot get the 'fields' I called from other entities. So following your instructions, I did the following:expand query.JPG

    expand query 2.JPG

    As you can see, I am not getting the 'first name' field. Then I thought there might be an issue with the schema. So, ran the flow to see how the result of previous step (list records) look like. And I have the following result:

    expand query 3.JPG


    Having followed the instructions, I m not entirely sure where this has gone wrong. Can you help with this?


    Many thanks,