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Implement a Fly Out Menu in Power Apps




While creating a Power App, having a menu that list out the navigation to other screens helps add a much-needed accessibility feature to the app. However, having a static menu that consumes a part of the screen always may be a wastage of real estate for the app.

In such situations, having a hamburger menu on whose click, the menu comes flying in from outside the screen to occupy a minimal left navigation can be considered as a best practice when it comes to judicious use of space.



Same way on clicking the hamburger menu again, will minimize the menu and retract it from the screen giving back the space to the app.



In this article we will see how to create a hamburger menu that adds a flyout menu to the app. We will also see how to use Timer control to add a smooth transition animation to the way in which the menu sides into the App as shown in the below demo


To get started with the development, I have created a Canvas app and added the basic controls that will form the first draft of the implementation. In the header, I have added a rectangle icon to house the App Details like Logo, App Name and Logged in user image. Apart from these trivial controls, I have added the Hamburger menu icon which will dictate the way in which the fly out menu should behave.

On top of that, I have added the text controls to accept User Name, Password and the Login button.



Fly out menu

The real implementation of the fly out menu starts with the addition of a rectangle that we will place in the left of the screen. We will also add 4 button controls on top of it which will in effect form the menu items that will help navigate to various other screens when clicked.



Now let’s leverage the Expressions to dictate the behavior of the flyout menu.

App On Start

Let’s declare a global variable ShowFlyOutmenu which will be set to false on app start.



Timer Control

We will also add a Timer Control to the App which will help animate the fly out menu while opening and closing. We will set its visibility to false so that users don’t see the timer ticking but still we can use it in expressions. In the Start Property, we will set a Boolean variable StartTimer which we will be defining in the Hamburger menu’s OnSelect.



Hamburger Menu

In the OnSelect of the Menu Icon, we will add the below expression.



UpdateContext({ShowFlyOutmenu:!ShowFlyOutmenu, StartTimer:true});



Reset(Timer) has been added to reset the timer on every Hamburger menu clicks to avoid a flickering Issue of the menu.

We will then use the UpdateContext function to set the Boolean value of StartTimer to false followed by setting it to true. This value will be carried over to the Start Property of the Timer as we have added the Boolean variable to the Timer’s Start property. The flipping of the start variable value is done to invoke the timer with a change in status.

We will also set the ShowFlyoutMenu value to the opposite of its current value. By default, on app start it is false. On click on the hamburger menu, we need to flip the value to true so that the fly out menu animation will start.

Same way, clicking the menu again will set the ShowFlyOutMenu to false so that we can involve the Fly out menu retraction animation.



Fly Out Menu Animation

The easiest of implementing hamburger menu is to group the below Fly out Menu controls (4 Buttons + 1 Rectangle container) and assign the ShowFlyOutMenu Boolean variable to the visible property of the group. This will show and hide the complete menu based on the hamburger menu click giving a toggle effect.



However, it won’t give the fly out animation effect which adds a nice aesthetic to the app. To achieve this, we will add the below formula to the X property of the Rectangle Container that will define its position.



-Rectangle_MenuPlaceholder.Width +Rectangle_MenuPlaceholder.Width * (Timer.Value/Timer.Duration), -Rectangle_MenuPlaceholder.Width *(Timer.Value/Timer.Duration)



If the ShowFlyOutmenu is true, it will give a sliding in effect using the Timer Control else it will slide out of the app screen.



The button controls are placed relative the X value of the rectangle so that the buttons will move along with the rectangle. All the 4 buttons have the below expression for its X Property



Test the Fly out menu

Now let’s preview the app to view the sliding in and sliding out of the fly out menu.


Flyout menu (1).gif


Thus, we saw how to create a fly out menu and add the sliding in and sliding out animation using the Timer control to the menu


*This post is locked for comments

  • Justcru Profile Picture Justcru 43
    Posted 05 Mar 2024 at 12:19:05
    Implement a Fly Out Menu in Power Apps

    Nice Post.

    However I think I found a small mistake and I haven't been able to properly fix it yet:

    a) By having the visibility property of the Menu bar set to "ShowFlyOutMenu" the animation for the fly out will never trigger since by clicking on the hamburger menu will set the visibility to false. Did you forget to mention to remove the visibility property variable and set it back to true instead?

    b) If you set the visibility property of the Menu bar to "true" instead of the variable the Menu bar is visible after the AppOnstart. That's because the math of the formula for the X-coordinates makes it so the value is divided by a 0-value Timer.

    Did you manage to fix those issues or am I making mistakes on my side?

    Best regards,


  • csuk Profile Picture csuk 24
    Posted 30 Nov 2023 at 14:40:38
    Implement a Fly Out Menu in Power Apps

    Loved this solution. This really helped me. 

  • DirkKoch Profile Picture DirkKoch 118
    Posted 14 Nov 2022 at 06:58:49
    Implement a Fly Out Menu in Power Apps

    @Priyaranjan Thank you for sharing this detailed instruction of how to build a fly out menu. 

    I would like to further implement the function that if I click on one of the menu items, the fly out menu will close automatically and it will navigate to the according screen (e.g. Navigate(Screen1)).  How can I achieve the first step (close the fly out menu when clicking on menu item)?

    Furthermore the Hamburger Menu should then know that the fly out menu has been closed by clicking on one of the items and only open (not close again) once clicked on.