A Form, a Flow and a Power BI Streaming Dataset Walk into a Bar… - Part 2
In Part 1, I already explained what the reason behind this demo is, and what I used it for in my presentations. I made a start with the demo and showed you how to make a Form and set up a streaming dataset in Power BI.
In Part 2 of this blog series I will show you how to glue it all together with Power Automate and create a report out of the data. There are some things you need to know in the streaming dataset, to properly show the output in your Power BI report. And lastly, I will show you a trick to get your data refreshed live while respondents are answering the questions, but without refreshing your browser!
Create an automation flow
In Power Automate you can create flows manually or with the help of a template. I used a template for my first flow, but if I search for this same template in the gallery it actually doesn't show up.
I do have the URL because you can check that in your current flows. I resubmitted it as a template because I think it's quite useful:
You can use that template here, or create the steps yourself manually. It's actually not that hard if you take a look at the template.
Create a Power BI report
When the previous steps have been completed, we have built ourselves a working solution, we only have to visualize the results from the dataset. OK, I know, I could also use the default reporting of Microsoft Forms, but that uses pie charts… And you know: every time you create a pie chart, a kitten dies! 🙂
Before creating a report it's good to have some data to create the visuals from. In Forms, clicking on Preview lets you enter the form as a user. You can then create a report by connecting to the streaming dataset, live from Power BI Desktop.
As you saw in the video, I created a basic report with the questions I used in the form. You can create any kind of fancy report with this approach of course.
If you use for example a multiple choice question in your form, with multiple possible answers, I use the DAX formula CONTAINSSTRING or CONTAINSSTRINGEXACT to get the values out of the JSON-string. You write 1 measure per choice and then plot them in a chart. I'm not sure if there's an easier way of doing this, also maybe with a dynamic number of values. Let me know in the comments if you figure this out 🙂
Share the Form
Last but not least, we also want to share our form with our audience, right? You can do this by creating a shorter URL with any of the URL shortener services like bit.ly, tinyurl.com or Google. You then share this link in the first few slides of your presentation and even have it visible while attendants are walking in prior to the start of your session. That way they have a minute to fill in the form and you don't have to wait on their answers during the presentation.
Create a Live Dashboard
So, the trick for creating a live refreshing view of the answers coming in is to create a dashboard of the visuals in the Power BI service. So, pin all the visuals you need from the report to a dashboard, maybe also add the URL to the form and you're done. You could also refresh the browser every few seconds (either manually or with a browser extension in Chrome). But I do think the automatic refresh in a dashboard looks cleaner, otherwise you're also depending on the speed of the Wi-Fi for loading your whole page every time you refresh.
As you have seen, setting up this Power Platform demo is actually not that difficult, you just have to know the steps and maybe go through them once to remember them. It does however add a lot of value to a presentation in my opinion. After the Power Platform World Tour Meetup in Dublin I had some good feedback from people that wanted to use this setup in their next presentation. From Mary Fealty (B | @Br0adtree) and Marc Lelijveld (B | @MarcLelijveld) I already heard they implemented this, so that's nice to hear!
Mary even added a great feature to the report.
Hey Nicky, used the Forms & Power Automate solution today. Worked a treat. I added a date field so I could filter out my test cases in #PowerBI, there were many. 😊
— Mary Fealty | Broadtree Solutions (@Br0adtree) November 6, 2019
This post appeared first at my blog on nickyvv.com
A Form, a Flow and a Power BI Streaming Dataset Walk into a Bar… - Part 2
Hi @Kjolbye,
good to hear you liked the guide!
I just tried some things and managed to get it working. It seems that a likert will generate separate questions for every statement/question that you use.
So you'll need to add all those (in my case 3) fields to the streaming dataset.
For example if I use 3 statements, I end up in PA with those 3 options:
And eventually also in Power BI Desktop:
Let me know if this works for you!
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