PowerApps community call-April 17, 2019
PowerApps community call-April 17, 2019
Hello PowerAppers!
In our April call we chatted all about components and the new PowerApps Component Framework! We also announced the Q1 XBox raffle winner – Garry Trinder.
Thanks to our presenters Todd Baginski, Daniel Christian, and Chuck Sterling. Also, a big thanks to Brian Dang for answering questions in chat.
See you all next month, Power on!
– Todd Baginski and Chuck Sterling
Our agenda for this month’s call included:
- Todd Baginski - Creating and sharing PowerApps components
- Daniel Christian - Importing and using PowerApps components and How to install and use the free PowerApps components
- Chuck Sterling - PowerApps Component Framework
- Todd Baginski - Recent news, community activities and monthly tips
- Q&A
Watch the April call here.
Next month’s call is on Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 8:00am PST. We look forward to sharing with you then!
These calls are the 3rd Wednesday of each month where we will share the latest news about PowerApps, demonstrate tips and tools to help you build awesome PowerApps. You will meet the PowerApps product team and community experts to get your questions answered.
You can download a recurring monthly calendar invite at https://aka.ms/powerappscommunitycall
Resources from April’s call
10 Reusable Components: tab control, calendar, dialog box, map control and more
More questions? Visit https://Community.PowerApps.com
PowerApps News
PowerApps Component Framework
Release notes
Delegation enhancements for lookups, Today/Now, and AddColumns
The Tree View is now collapsable!
Community Contributions – THANK YOU!
Garry Trinder
SharePoint Themes Creator PowerApp
Mariano Gomez Bent
Numeric Up/Down control with persisted button press event using components
Keith Craigo
Create a Department / Organizational Org Chart as a tablet app or embed in a web page
Dhawal Seth, Geetha Sivasailam
Formula bar result view is in preview
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