Announcing New Flow Community Twitter Integration
Announcing New Flow Community Twitter Integration
The Flow Community has always thrived on its passion for Flow as a product and the comradery between fellow fans sharing their creativity on firsthand accounts on how Flow has enriched their business.
In our pursuit for community growth and connectivity, we are thrilled to announce the new integration of Twitter into the Flow Community!
Twitter integration into the Flow Community means introducing a quick Twitter access button that allows you to share any article, blog post, video, or forum response via your personal Twitter handle.
This new integration also allows you to expand your personal brand and peer education outreach. Share your interests and learnings from the Flow Community directly to your Twitter world within seconds!
Connect Your Twitter Account
1. Sign in to the Flow Community. You must be signed in with a Community account in order to use the Twitter integration feature.
2. My Settings > Social > Link to my Twitter account
3. Select Authorize app. You will then be redirected back to the Flow Community site.
4. Confirm your Twitter account info, then click Save.
5. CONGRATS! You are now set up to start tweeting directly from the community!
How to Tweet from the Community
1. Click Tweet Post:
2. Choose the account you're tweeting from.
3. Edit the text of the tweet: the outgoing tweet automatically includes the title of the selected post and a shortened URL to the post. As you type, you can see the character count below the text box (bottom left).
4. Click Tweet it!
5. You can view the tweet by clicking the link that appears in the feedback message at the top of the page.
6. See your tweet live on Twitter through your account handle.
Some ideas on how to benefit from this functionality:
- When you write a community blog, also tweet the link out for added views!
- When you post an idea, tweet the idea to collect additional support and votes!
- When you post a hard question, or share a solution, tweet it to share it with your wider network!
- Follow the @MicrosoftFlow official Twitter account. Mention them when sharing from the community!
I hope you enjoyed this walkthrough of our newest community feature integration. If you liked what you saw today, tweet this article at the at the top left! Be sure to connect with me (@ATEEChang), or private message me directly on the community.
Looking forward to seeing all of your tweets! 😊
- AT (Flow Community Admin)
Announcing New Flow Community Twitter Integration
This is great. It would be cool if it automaticallly put the #MicrosoftFlow tag in for us as well as give us the option of including hashtags for the labels we picked for the post but this is a fantasic addition.
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