Flow from PowerApps: Getting the Variable Names Correct
In PowerApps, you can create a flow associated with your App. This a very powerful and easy way to extend the functionality of your PowerApp.
When you create your flow, it gives you the ability to send in inputs from your PowerApp, but it also tries to choose the name for you. So here is a simple tick to get your name of your variables right.
Create a blank PowerApp
On the menu, click Action and Flows
Now, Create a new flow
In our flow, add a simple Compose action
Now for the inputs, choose Ask in PowerApps
The input has been named "Compose_Inputs", which is probably not what you want.
So, heres the trick:
In the expression box, type "triggerBody()['customname'] - where custom name is the name you would like to assign to the input.
Save the worflow, and exit it. Then when you edit it again, you will see it will collect the input from PowerApps with the name you have given it
Flow from PowerApps: Getting the Variable Names Correct
I'm looking forward for more integration between PowerApps and Flow
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