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Create Records In CRM For Dynamics 365 By Pressing A Physical Button! (Using Flic & Microsoft Flow)

If you work in the customer service area of your business, you know how quickly your customers expect a response from you if they are wanting to report a problem,  troubleshoot an issue, or find more information about something. Calling your support line makes them cringe because your hold music isn't very pleassing to the ears they don't like to stay on hold for a long period of time. Whenever they tweet their complaints at you, it so happens that your unpaid social media intern is on vacation backpacking in the Pacific Northwest area, and you find out about your customers' troubles three days later when your intern finally comes back! To alleviate your customers' frustrations, wouldn't it be nice if someone from your customer service team could just reach out to them on literally a press of a button?


If you are familiar with Dynamics 365, you know that its "Service" module is used by many companies across various industries to keep track of customer service issues, resolutions, and various metrics around customer satisfaction.


Now, wIth just a few clicks, you can have Microsoft Flow create Cases in Dynamics 365 automatically. But what's even more interesting is that you can use smart buttons like Flic to trigger a Flow that will create a Case in Dynamics 365! With Flic now working with Microsoft Flow, we can use this combination to create records in CRM for Dynamics 365, and perform various actions. For example, in the video below, I show how a customer, whenever they have an issue with our product or service, can just press Flic once, which will create a case record in Dynamics 365.



But customer service is not the only scenario where you can use the "Flic + Flow" combination! Picture the following scenarios:


  • You run a coffee shop or a restaurant. You notice that you are low on supplies (Coffee beans? Beverages? Ketchup?). You press a button which sends an email to your supplier telling them to restock supplies.

  • You run a roofing company. Your staff is up on one of the roofs fixing things. Once they are done, they press a button that creates a record in Dynamics 365, notifying office staff that the job has been completed.


So what are some benefits of automation tools like Microsoft Flow, especially when they are combined with smart buttons like Flic?

  • It makes initiating a process or action much easier and convenient.
  • It encourages people to follow the process because everything is already automated.
  • It brings convenience to your employees with disabilities because just pressing a button performs various tasks for them.


The Flow


This is what my Microsoft Flow looks like:Flic-1.png







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