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Community Corner 09: Microsoft Business Application Summit Recap

MBAS 2018 Sessions


I can't believe all of the amazing sessions that were delivered at this amazing event! I am so grateful that I was able to be a part of this event! This was the first ever Microsoft Business Applications Summit and I must say it was incredible! The overall turnout was much smaller than a conference like Microsoft Build or Inspire so that almost gave it a more Community-like feel and I was really enjoying seeing the ways that people were connecting at this smaller-than-normal Microsoft Event!


Some of the greatest sessions that I attended were actually the theatre sessions because some of the more anticipated ones had all of the attendees watching, huddled together, learning together. It was truly a great experience and I can not wait for the same event next year! 


I will list the links to some of my favorite sessions that were recorded and uploaded to the Microsoft Business Applications Summit Website shortly after the Summit:


Digital Transformation with Microsoft Business Applications - James Phillips


Microsoft Flow Vision and Roadmap Session - Stephen Siciliano


Intro to Building Automated Flows  - Anjli Chaudhry


Ignite Bottom-Up Innovation Using Microsoft Flow - Jon Levesque & Kent Weare




Expo Floor Photos


 Jon Levesque and Rose Spitzer launching the Flow User Group!Jon Levesque and Rose Spitzer launching the Flow User Group!Fausto Capellan Jr. Delivering an awesome session on advanced expressions!Fausto Capellan Jr. Delivering an awesome session on advanced expressions!Stephen Siciliano giving the Flow Roadmap SessionStephen Siciliano giving the Flow Roadmap SessionJon's awesome Flow&Forms SessionJon's awesome Flow&Forms SessionJames Phillips at the opening Keynote Speech!James Phillips at the opening Keynote Speech!Me (center), (left to right) Courtney, Matt Wade, Fausto Capellan Jr., Stephen Siciliano, Jon LevesqueMe (center), (left to right) Courtney, Matt Wade, Fausto Capellan Jr., Stephen Siciliano, Jon LevesqueFull House for the first ever Flow-In-A-Day SessionFull House for the first ever Flow-In-A-Day SessionOne of our favorite Flow user attendees getting in depth with an expert!One of our favorite Flow user attendees getting in depth with an expert!So much fun was had, truly a great event!So much fun was had, truly a great event!



Hot Links


Here are some of the best links I could find in regard to absorbing the greatest things that were mentioned and presented at the Microsoft Business Applications Summit 2018!


Click Here to Sign-Up for the newly launched Flow User Group in your local area!


Click Here to See the October 2018 Business Applications Release Notes that went live during the event!


Click Here to See the Full On-Demand List of Breakout Sessions that were recorded at the event!


Click Here to Go to the YouTube Page where you'll find a full recap video of the MBAS on 08/07/18!



As always, Thanks for Reading!



Microsoft Flow Community Manager










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