Microsoft Flow - Expressions and how to use them
In this post I'm looking at the coding part of the low-coding solution that Microsoft Flow is.
For every Action, or condition or switch you can use expressions. Expressions are coparable to functions, procedures or methods in traditionalprogramming languagas.
When you initially look at expressions you will find that Mcirosoft Flow offers you about 30 expressions and you migth be quite disappointed. Don't be!
When you look a bit further and you start typing oin the search box ( just after the fx) then you will find out that there is more. A lot more!
Ok, in this post I could go through all of them, but I'm not going to do that. ?I would probably only bore you to death anyway!
So just by typing ahead I found fucntions like substring.
Then when you coplete the word substring after the first bracket Microsoft Flow offers you a syntax and a description of the Expression.
Can things get any easier?
you can even build some logic in using an if expression.
And if you are still not happy. There is more! You can even use Dynamic content in your expressions.
Do you have any dificulties using Expressions? Or do you need some help then please leave a comment below or post your question on the Microsoft Flow Community Boards
Microsoft Flow - Expressions and how to use them
Are there any good guides to learn expressions and low coding? The web builder in PowerAutomate is ok but you need to know about formulas and stuff before using it.
Microsoft Flow - Expressions and how to use them
I want to Update a list from another list.
I'm using a filter query and hereafter the expression equals(length(body('Get_items')?['value']),0) to be able to update one list from another.
When the item does not exist the result of the filter query is { value [] } so it is empty, but the condition Value equals to the expression does always result in false - why?
I have also tried the empty expression with same result. can anyone help ? I need to create an item, when it doesn't exist - in my flow only update is working.
Microsoft Flow - Expressions and how to use them
Thank you. I was zooming in on the web broswer to increase magnification - ironically to see the text of expressions more clearly. Zoom out and the expected interface returns.
Microsoft Flow - Expressions and how to use them
Hi @PhilipGoodfello,
I have had this myself a few time. Could it be that you are running on a low resolution or a small browser window?
Do your actions look like this?
Microsoft Flow - Expressions and how to use them
Hello @Pieter_Veenstra. The flow interface seems to have been updated (it looks very nice) but I can no longer see where to enter expressions. Do you have any pointers?
Microsoft Flow - Expressions and how to use them
Hi @Pieter_Veenstra ,
I am adding a full array to a list item. Though, the array will always contain one element.
Also, I am now able to find the array alue through the expressions but the result is the complete array not the value of the array item.
Microsoft Flow - Expressions and how to use them
Hi @Anonymous,
Are you trying to create a list item for each item in teh array? Or are you trying to add the full array to a single list item?
Microsoft Flow - Expressions and how to use them
I want to insert the value of an array type variable to a Sharepoint list item.
In the dynamic content, I can see all the variables except for the Array types.
Is there any specific method to do so ?
Microsoft Flow - Expressions and how to use them
I am facing difficulties while using OR expression in one of my first attempt to create a flow. I posted on community boards, here is the link to full story.
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