🎈✨Setup co-authoring using Git for Power Apps
Some Consideration
§ This is an experimental feature, more features/changes will be made before co-authoring is made generally available.
§ Source code is an important big part of the application life-cycle management (ALM).
§ Edit the raw code, commit and press the sync button in PowerApps Studio to see the changes.
§ Edit the raw code to rename Variables/Collections/Data Source Settings.
§ Integration with Git & Power Platform CLI
Some Consideration: Merge results
§ There's no option to resolve merge conflicts currently.
§ Studio will attempt to merge and fix conflicts automatically through semantic knowledge of the app (for example, the types of objects and other app changes).
§ Since all changes are still stored in Git, you can always retrieve the app changes to reapply if automatic merge doesn't meet your business requirement
Some Consideration: Pull requests, viewing history, blaming, and other Git features
§ Working with pull requests or any other Git operations must be done through other Git tools.
§ Each save or synchronize that includes changes will result in a commit in Git.
§ No changes will be lost, even if a merge would override an edit.
§ If other changes occurred in Git, for example by other makers, then there will be additional commits made in order to merge the results of all the changes.
Known limitations
§ Don't use this feature with apps that make of use of code components.
§ This feature isn't compatible with onpremises Git repositories.
§ The last edit made will win.
§ You'll have to use Git for restoring the app to a previous version.
§ Connecting multiple apps to the same git directory may cause problems.
§ There is no way to enable a global setting for all apps to allow multiple developers working at the same time.
§ Any existing files in the repository with names exceeding 180 characters in length may cause problems when connecting
§ Selecting Close on the File menu may appear to delete your customizations in the app. However, customizations are not deleted.
Refresh the page to see all customizations again.
§ This feature does not support renaming of custom components.
§ If you see a message about the app being open for editing by another user, ask the referenced user to refresh the app. Afterwards, refresh your app to remove the lock.
§ Co-authoring in canvas apps (experimental): https://bit.ly/3Llo906
§ Introduction to Git: https://bit.ly/3BKlWs6
§ Generate personal access tokens in GitHub: https://bit.ly/3eyq19s
§ Generate personal access tokens in Azure DevOps: https://bit.ly/3qjtImc
By: Fabio Franzini @1st Microsoft Power Platform Conference, September 2022
§ Founder & CEO Apvee Solutions
§ Microsoft MVP in Business Applications & M365 Development Categories
§ PnP Team Member
§ Mail: fabio@apvee.com
§ Twitter: @franzinifabio
???Setup co-authoring using Git for Power Apps
Great article. Have a query on the Known limitations - § This feature isn't compatible with onpremises Git repositories.
Does this mean GitHub Enterprise (something like github.myorganization.com is not supported?
???Setup co-authoring using Git for Power Apps
@rihbt, are you using the GitHub token? The password in this sighing screen is not your GitHub password, it is your repository token:
Check this for more info: https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@3.4/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token
???Setup co-authoring using Git for Power Apps
it doesnt work for me after i authentificate i get the error "you do not have permission to commit to this repository"
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