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Swipeable Item (Component)

Gabrz Profile Picture Posted by Gabrz 12


I've made this component of an item you can swipe to the left and reveal some buttons.

This component would be so nice to use in a vertical Gallery (I realy hope they will implement that soon)


The component has 4 Output Properties, one for when you just click on the item, and three for whichever button you press.

There are also a lot of Input Properties for Colors, Font, Alignment... etc. Oh, and the number of buttons you want to show is configurable(from 1 to 3).


Please try it out, and I would love to hear your feedback


UPDATE v0.1:

 - Fixed Bug with slider handle on iPhone

 - Buttons will hide when not swiped far enough

 - Added version number


Mobile App Design and User Experience


  • Gabrz Profile Picture Gabrz 12
    Posted at
    Swipeable Item (Component)

    Thank you for your feedback.


    Hiding the buttons when not fully swiped is not that hard (if you don't want to slide/animate them back. Not sure if that's even possible.)


    I've added an extra input property "Swipe Reset Point" which is default at 0.75. So if you swipe for more than 3/4 the buttons stay, otherwise they will instantly hide. If you would set this value at 0, the buttons will stay and at 1 you have to swipe the full 100% before they stay (but I found that pretty annoying though)

  • Sofie_D Profile Picture Sofie_D 260
    Posted at
    Swipeable Item (Component)

    Really nice idea!

    One thing I'd change is that if you don't swipe to fully reveal it and release, that it hides the buttons again (though this might be difficult to implement).


    A nice feature for galleries would be to delete items with a swipe like this.