This Template is for populating a JSON structured parameters using Environment Variable.
This Power Automate Flow is a bit complex. So I decided to upload this as a Template for anyone that want to use Environment Variables for Deployment of Power Automate Flows.
My blog post:
Is a very in-depth guide on how to build this Flow from scratch.
Check out the Blog post for instructions on how to create Environment Variables.
Importing the Zip File
- Download Zip file below, and import into your tenant / Environment
- Once import is successful. create a Environment Variable, and input the JSON data that fits your solution
(See Blog above if you need help with this step)
- Copy down the Schema name (Name) from the Environment Variable
(Should be PublisherName_EnvironmentVariableName)
How To Use Flow Template:
Open the Flow in Edit mode
- Remove the Manual trigger and add a trigger based on your needs
- 'Initialize variable - Schema Name', change Value to your schema name of your Environment Variable
- In the 'Load Parameters' scope, open the 'Parse JSON - Parameters' action and click 'Generate from sample' and paste your Default Value from the Environment Variable to generate the Schema

- Now inside the 'Try' scope add your actions that you want to run normally
Inside the 'Catch - Errors' scope, add any actions you want to run when the above scopes fail. For example you can add a send email action to alert when the Flow fails Etc.

That is how this template can be used, for a full walkthrough / step guide check out my blog post on this: