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Loading Environment Variables

Jcook Profile Picture Posted by Jcook 7,770


This Template is for populating a JSON structured parameters using Environment Variable.

This Power Automate Flow is a bit complex. So I decided to upload this as a Template for anyone that want to use Environment Variables for Deployment of Power Automate Flows.


My blog post:

Is a very in-depth guide on how to build this Flow from scratch.


Check out the Blog post for instructions on how to create Environment Variables.


Importing the Zip File

  1. Download Zip file below, and import into your tenant / Environment

  2. Once import is successful. create a Environment Variable, and input the JSON data that fits your solution
    (See Blog above if you need help with this step)

  3. Copy down the Schema name (Name) from the Environment Variable
    (Should be PublisherName_EnvironmentVariableName)


How To Use Flow Template:

Open the Flow in Edit mode


  1. Remove the Manual trigger and add a trigger based on your needs

  2. 'Initialize variable - Schema Name', change Value to your schema name of your Environment Variable


  3. In the 'Load Parameters' scope, open the 'Parse JSON - Parameters' action and click 'Generate from sample' and paste your Default Value from the Environment Variable to generate the Schema
  4. Now inside the 'Try' scope add your actions that you want to run normally

Inside the 'Catch - Errors' scope, add any actions you want to run when the above scopes fail. For example you can add a send email action to alert when the Flow fails Etc.


That is how this template can be used, for a full walkthrough / step guide check out my blog post on this:





