I am using CLU integration to get a better Topic discrimination and integrated multi-lingual feature.
How can I access the entities provided along with the intent from CLU within a topic? I did not find a guideline and my tries to set a variable failed. Any example or guideline available? I created the mapping already derived from a sample json. But how to proceed from here?
Currently there is not an easy way to iterate through multiple entities from a single question prompt, if you take a look at what's available, you can choose the most pertinent datetime resolution to match the conversation design of your question prompt:
You will then receive the datetime as a json object which you can then process and store the value as needed for your business use case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Cl1xritB7o
This helped now for simple string entities. I would need also some guidance how to iterate through multiple entities with same "category". Next task would be to extract resolution values from time & date. This is the next level of compexity we need to achieve...
Hey Klaus!
I think i just replied to your email on this subject, but let me reply here for the community:
You can read more about our entity support here:
Once the external entities are registered (either manually or with the upload tool) you can use them for slot filling and variable collection as with traditional entities: