I have two lists, A and B. I think about them as a Fact/Dimension in data modeling. The Joint column is Department which exists in both lists. On creation of an item in List A (Via a Form) there is a column, left blank, and that is the Department's Email, which is stored in List B. How to update List A after its creation by the Value in Column B that shares the same Department value?
Well, how to automate this though? The use-case is
1-data comes to list B via a Form. since there is no Department email capability in this Form, therefore list B misses this piece at the creation instance.
2-At this point, this needs to be automated, and update the missing email filed from list A. My hope is to automate that way, without going to the table to pick from available lookup values.
Your Department Filed should be a Looup column.
Here is How I would do it.
List B will have a Lookup column called Department