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Power Automate - Building Flows

Selecting Multiple list items to combine and create a separate list item

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Good Day All 
We are a Fulfillment Warehouse 
One our Sharepoint inventory list our ID is our Client Purchase order 
This list contains  columns
Vendor Name - 
Part Number  
Each PO Number is a unique Sharepoint List Item 
We ship out Multiple PO's on 1 truck 
We are looking to have a flow where a user can select multiple items to then create 1 new item on a different list "Shipment ID" 
where the Shipment ID will contain the PO # Part Number and Vendor Name from that first list for all selected Inventory Items. 
When those items are "Shipped" we would like them removed from the inventory list
Is this a possibility?   
I am thinking possibly a JSON button to a HTTP Request Trigger?  Does this need to be a power app on Desktop? 
  • AlexEncodian Profile Picture
    AlexEncodian 4,267 on at
    Selecting Multiple list items to combine and create a separate list item

    You could use Encodian's Trigr product as it permits you to run a Power Automate flow on multiple selected list items. It also permits you to run a single Power Automate flow from multiple different lists if that is a requirement.
    Then you would only need to build a single flow.
  • narayan225 Profile Picture
    narayan225 2,356 on at
    Selecting Multiple list items to combine and create a separate list item
    You can create a JSON button to trigger a flow and supply the ID number of the items on the list that will combine and create a new item in a different list.
    Or you can create a Power App in Canvas where users can use a combo-box to select multiple items and submit them. Once submitted, you can fetch the properties from a gallery or the datasource to create a new item.
    And finally to run a flow when the status changes, you can use when an item/file is modified trigger.
    Hope this helps.

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