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Clickable Tabs for Multi Step Form

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I have created Multi Step form using Power Pages.




Instead of clicking on Next and Previous Button, I need clickable tab, so user can redirect to the specific page automatically. Is there any way to make this tab clickable?


I' m using Multi Step form.



  • PowerBi-Rick Profile Picture
    PowerBi-Rick 78 on at
    Clickable Tabs for Multi Step Form
    I would add in that in 2025 this is an important feature in order for Power Pages to keep up. If anyone has any new insights in how to get this to work, I've tried various online recommendations like those listed here for achieving this using javascript but have been unsuccesful.
    I have a complex Custom Table with many Child Tables displayed in Subgrids. In the Model Driven App, these are all on separate tabs and the form loads extremely fast. You can hop to whatever tab you want to work with/view.
    When displaying this in Power Pages opening the form in Edit or Read Only View takes a very long time if the Model Driven App is a single form. Each Subcrid has to go out and grab data. I have tried using a Multi-Page Form and created a separate Webform that corresponds to each Tab in the Model Driven App and using each form as a step. The current limitation with Multi-page Forms is that the only way to move to a different tab is the next/previous button at the bottom of the page. I have 14 tabs and if the user just needs to look at tab 14, they have to slowly navigate tab by tab.
    This should be improved so that the Page labels at the top of the Multi-page form are fully navigable, and you can move directly from the first tab to any other tab. I understand that this behavior might not be what is desired in a Create form, where you may want to require the user to go step by step. However, on Edit forms and Read Only forms, there is no reason to limit the user's ability to quickly move to whatever tab they need in the form. You should be able to go to any step you need to see. Presumably this could be a configuration checkbox in the Power Pages Management center.
  • Re: Clickable Tabs for Multi Step Form


    For Example Code for your request:


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Multi-Step Form</title>
    <script src="/WebResources/YourScriptFile.js">


    <div id="step1" class="form-step">
    <!-- Step 1 Content -->
    <h2>Step 1: Personal Information</h2>
    <!-- Add your Entity Form for Step 1 -->
    {{ entityform.name_of_your_entity_form_for_step_1 }}
    <button onclick="goToNextStep(1, 3)">Next</button>

    <div id="step2" class="form-step">
    <!-- Step 2 Content -->
    <h2>Step 2: Address Details</h2>
    <!-- Add your Entity Form for Step 2 -->
    {{ entityform.name_of_your_entity_form_for_step_2 }}
    <button onclick="goToNextStep(2, 3)">Next</button>
    <button onclick="goToPreviousStep(2)">Previous</button>

    <div id="step3" class="form-step">
    <!-- Step 3 Content -->
    <h2>Step 3: Additional Information</h2>
    <!-- Add your Entity Form for Step 3 -->
    {{ entityform.name_of_your_entity_form_for_step_3 }}
    <button onclick="submitForm()">Submit</button>
    <button onclick="goToPreviousStep(3)">Previous</button>


    Java Script:


    function goToNextStep(currentStep, totalSteps) {
    if (currentStep < totalSteps) {
    var nextStep = currentStep + 1;

    function goToPreviousStep(currentStep) {
    if (currentStep > 1) {
    var previousStep = currentStep - 1;

    function showStep(stepNumber) {
    // Hide all steps
    for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
    document.getElementById('step' + i).style.display = 'none';

    // Show the current step
    document.getElementById('step' + stepNumber).style.display = 'block';

    function submitForm() {
    // Collect data from all steps and submit to the server
    // Implement your logic for data submission using AJAX or other methods
    // ...

    // You may redirect or show a success message after submission
    // ...




    Replace name_of_your_entity_form_for_step_1, name_of_your_entity_form_for_step_2, and name_of_your_entity_form_for_step_3 with the actual names of your entity forms.





    But Generally  i recommend to follow this:


    This worked for me ,

    Direct Multistep /Advance form wont work here


    Basic form with Liquid code Looking like multi step Works.....






  • rkanteti Profile Picture
    rkanteti 4 on at
    Re: Clickable Tabs for Multi Step Form

    @Dhruvin @Surendran_R 
    I have the same requirement as what @Dhruvin had and stuck at clicking the multiple tabs on the multi step form.
    could someone post the solution to get this clickable using JS code.


  • Re: Clickable Tabs for Multi Step Form


    You need to create separate basic form for each step and then use it , in one of my latest project we have done in same manner

  • Dhruvin Shah Profile Picture
    Dhruvin Shah 57 on at
    Re: Clickable Tabs for Multi Step Form

    @Surendran_R This solution is applicable for Basic Form only. What about Multi Step Form? 

  • Re: Clickable Tabs for Multi Step Form

    Hi @Dhruvin ,


    For Clickable tabs , still now there is no Out-of-box feature.


    Same scenerio we ahieved by using below blog 





  • Dhruvin Shah Profile Picture
    Dhruvin Shah 57 on at
    Re: Clickable Tabs for Multi Step Form

    Can you please share some alternative methods to achieve this? 

  • Fubar Profile Picture
    Fubar 7,637 on at
    Re: Clickable Tabs for Multi Step Form

    Not able to be done out of the box.  Various people have tried to do things like click the Next with JS until they reach the Tab that was clicked - but is slow and will get screen flicker.

    To do it, you basically need to build your own from the ground up.

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