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PowerBI Embedded Reports rendering despite embedded capacity being paused.

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I'm working on a power pages portal where I want to display powerBI reports based on assigned web roles to the User. The required configuration to enable this like enabling powerBI integration in admin centre, creating a new security group in azure and assigned portalId to it is also done. I've setup a new Embedded Capacity with A1 SKU which is been assigned to powerBI workspace which would be serving the reports on the portal.
But despite capcity being paused, reports are getting rendered onto the power page portal.
The configuration with added RLS to access reports is as following
{% assign outputVar = "formattedUserWebRoles" %}
{% powerbi authentication_type:"powerbiembedded" path:"reportURL;roles:{{formattedUserWebRoles}} %}
How do I make sure the reports rendering is stopped when capacity is paused and How does capacity consumption works in such cases??
  • Suggested answer
    Inogic Profile Picture
    Inogic 899 on at
    PowerBI Embedded Reports rendering despite embedded capacity being paused.
    It seems like you are facing an issue where Power BI reports are still being rendered on your Power Pages portal despite the Embedded Capacity being paused, and you're trying to control access and behavior when the capacity is paused.

    To solve this please follow the below actions.
    • Check Capacity State: Add a script to check if the capacity is paused and hide or disable report embedding if it is.
    • Cache-Control: Ensure you're not displaying a cached report version.
    • User Notification: Provide clear feedback to users when reports are unavailable due to capacity issues.
    • Licensing Considerations: Evaluate if a higher-tier SKU or Power BI Premium would be more reliable if you're facing frequent capacity pauses.
    Hope this helps.


    Inogic Professional Services: Power Platform/Dynamics 365 CRM
    An expert technical extension for your techno-functional business needs
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