I have tried to create a gallery on the main page of my database to search for all forms regardless of their status i.e. checking, rejected etc and open them up in their relevant page I have created.
I have put the below formula but when I click on this to open it doesn't refresh the form and an the wrong record comes up.
If(Subtitle1.Text = "Status - Rejected",ResetForm('Rejected Form Tracker_7');EditForm('Rejected Form Tracker_7');Navigate('Rejected Form'),
Subtitle1.Text = "Status - Awaiting Form",ResetForm('Awaiting Form Tracker_6');EditForm('Awaiting Form Tracker_6');Navigate('Awaiting Forms Form'),
Subtitle1.Text = "Status - Completed",ResetForm('Completed Form Tracker_6');EditForm('Completed Form Tracker_6');Navigate('Completed Form'),
Subtitle1.Text = "Status - Checking",ResetForm('Checking Form Tracker_5');EditForm('Checking Form Tracker_5');Navigate('Checking Form'))
For example:
When searching for funds starting with 32, I want to click on the arrow and would want fund 32145 to open up in the Awaiting Forms screen. However, the incorrect fund appears (121).