I created a custom connector which talks to an azure function that I deployed. One of the actions returns a list of json, which is used to get list of dropdown in one of the parameters.
In the test window, the action returns the list of json as expected, but while using it in the flow building experience, the following error is shown in the dropdown
The JSON body response is of the following format
"[ {\"Name\":\"sakumtip5nov5\",\"DisplayName\":\"sakumtip5Nov5\"}, {\"Name\":\"orgb13e2381\",\"DisplayName\":\"TrailEnvironmentTest\"} ]"
This is the parameter using the list of values as x-ms-dynamic-values
{ "name": "Organization", "in": "header", "description": "", "required": true, "x-ms-url-encoding": "double", "x-ms-dynamic-values": { "operationId": "GetOrganizationList", "value-collection": "value", "value-path": "Name", "value-title": "DisplayName" }, "x-ms-summary": "Organization Name", "type": "string" }
This is the operation being referenced
"/api/GetOrganizationList": { "get": { "tags": [ "DataSet" ], "operationId": "GetOrganizationList", "consumes": [], "produces": [ "application/json", "text/json", "application/xml", "text/xml" ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "OK", "schema": { "$ref": "#/definitions/OrganizationsList" } }, "default": { "description": "Operation Failed." } }, "deprecated": false, "x-ms-visibility": "internal", "summary": "Get org list", "description": "Get list of orgs." } }
And these are the definitions
"definitions": { "OrganizationsList": { "description": "List of organization", "type": "object", "properties": { "value": { "description": "List of organizations", "type": "array", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/Organization" } } } }, "Organization": { "description": "Organization", "type": "object", "properties": { "Name": { "description": "Organization name", "type": "string" }, "DisplayName": { "description": "Organization display name", "type": "string" } } } }
What am I missing for using the dynamic values?
Thank you
The JSON body response should be of the format
"{ “values” : [ {\"Name\":\"sakumtip5nov5\",\"DisplayName\":\"sakumtip5Nov5\"}, {\"Name\":\"orgb13e2381\",\"DisplayName\":\"TrailEnvironmentTest\"} ] }"
Thank you @v-yamao-msft for the reply.
The error as I suspect is nothing to do with the flow, but of the custom connector. The same error is reproed in any flow that I create where I use my custom action.
The screenshot of the error is provided in the original message and is also seen in the screenshot below
Hi @sandeepnmenon,
Could you share a screenshot of your flow?
Please help collect more info, I will either help reproduce the issue or report it on my side.
Hope the following doc on Extend an OpenAPI definition for accustom connector be helpful:
Best regards,