I created a flow which has concurrency enabled on the trigger action. Trigger action for the flow is "When a record is created" in cds env. Now, when I import 500 records in my cds env using batch import method, for first 50 records flow shows in running state. But for the next 450 records I guess only 100-150 records shows in waiting state. There is no execution history for the rest of the record.
Is there any limit on the number of flow execution we can put in the "waiting" state. I tried to find it in the documentation but no luck there.
The reason I am enabling concurrency is that my flow is very big and after successfully execution of this flow it will trigger three more flow. I am reaching throttling limit for the cds connector if I don't enable concurrency control.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thank You
Hi @Naveen_772 ,
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Community Support Team _ Alice Zhang
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Hi @Naveen_772 ,
I agree with @rsaikrishna 's solution to run the flow with recurrence to get all the items and it wouldn't ignore one record.
Best regards,
Community Support Team _ Alice Zhang
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Flow throttling may be happening.
As a work around, do you like trying with Scheduled trigger and get all the new records based on time stamp from CDS and further processing.
Generally, I take this approach when I do bulk import and I need to perform some additional steps. In this approach, I can see all the items.
Krishna Rachakonda
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