Is there any way to choose the unique name of the CDS Environment on our own? (See the attached image)
Currently it generates a string like "org7a8b9c". The problem I see with this random name is, when I create a model driven app, then this unique name becomes the part of the APP URL that looks bit wiered.
It seems my reply somehow disappeared? Ill try it again:
1. Goto https://port.crm.dynamics.com/G/Instances/InstancePicker.aspx
2. Select the instance you want to change, and click the edit button.
3. Change the name to what you want. This will update your url and, in time, will update your CDS environment name.
Ex: so rather then "Model Site (org3..)" it will look like "Model Site (<updated name>).
you need to change the env name through dynamics 365 admin page:
Fast Url To instance selector:
For example
Here are the resulting changes If you renamed your D365 instance related to the CDS enviroment "Model Drive Production" to "MdpEnv":
"Model Drive Production (org3...)"
"Model Drive Production (MdpEnv)"
Note: The url change will work immedately. However, it will take a long time for reflection to visually change throughout all of O365.
Mine took over a week to display correctly...so I am guessing its at the mercy of some scheduled sync session.
If you also want to change the root Business Unit (BU) that is automatically created on deployment, then you cannot currently use D365 to do it. (every time you try and change the record through D365's edit record window it will refuse to save your BU changes due to a Business Requirement on the form stating that a parent business unit record is required)
A current workaround ive found is to create a microsoft flow that updates the BU record with the terrible name with what you want. This change will update immediately.
Step 1: get the Record Identifier of the BU with the terrible name:
Step 2: Create a Microsoft Flow document that updates the record with your new name. I am not sure if the updated CDS connector works, but I do know that the Dynamics 365 connector does!