What is the retention period for the entries in the Approvals in the Action Items in Power Automate?
I believe it stays for 30 days like all flow content, but not sure if / how long it stays in the Dataverse where it's stored.
I can confirm that my personal approval history is trimmed to 1 month ... last approval I see today is April 4th.
I second the notion of creating your own log somewhere, always safer, and gets all the content you want with none of the content you don't...
As far as im concerned they stay there forever, but why dont you just add a small step for logging your approval requests in your flow?
You can be very creative and there are a ton of ways to log it, but what about a Teams team, in which the flow sends a message after every approval proccess, in which it writes all the neccessary information, that need to be logged. You can also take the channel email ( every team has a channel email ), and make it send an email there (with the neccessary information as a pdf in the attachment).
Think outside the box and just use a channel or email for loggin purposes, where you send the information at the end of the flow.
I couldn't find any info online about how long the approval proccesses stay logged in there, but as i said, i think you can just find another solution for that, that works even better.
(you can also make it write it in an excel sheet if thats what you're looking for, or make it save the generated pdf in a onedrive folder that you sync with your company internal data structure)
How long will the system keep the approval logs? 30 days, 90 days, 1 year? We would like to know for tracking purposes.
could you please clarify what you mean by "retention period"? Thanks