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Items in ComboBox filtered by selection in another ComboBox

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I have a connection visible in Gallery with users competencies and competency levels.
In this example, I have as an example selected a specific competency - Here "Outlook" from ComboBox1
In ComboBox2, I can select users. But I do only want to se users that have the competency "Outlook" in the list of choices in ComboBox2. (I see "Connie" in the list of users, even she do not have the competency "Outlook".
  • Suggested answer
    DBO_DV Profile Picture
    DBO_DV 4,430 on at
    Items in ComboBox filtered by selection in another ComboBox
    Hey @torbenbj
    Try to remove the "userTitel2".
    You can select later what column you want to be displayed. I don't think that yoyr filter can work like this. 
    try this: 
    Filter(ColFinal1, ComboBox1_1.Selected.CompetencyTitle in CompetencyTitle)
    You can select which Column you want to dispkay in the Combobox properties here: 

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  • torbenbj Profile Picture
    torbenbj 73 on at
    Items in ComboBox filtered by selection in another ComboBox
    Thanks DBO,
    I think I´m missing something. It´s does not work :-)
    This is filter for items in the box for selecting users.
    Filter(ColFinal1.UserTitle2, ComboBox1_1.Selected.CompetencyTitle in ColFinal1.CompetencyTitle)
    ColFinal1 is the collection shown in the gallery
    UserTitle2 is the columns with the user Title
    CompetencyTitle is the column with the competency title.
    ComboBox1_1 for selecting the competency
  • Suggested answer
    DBO_DV Profile Picture
    DBO_DV 4,430 on at
    Items in ComboBox filtered by selection in another ComboBox
    SO aussimung you always just select one competence and that in your table the users have a list of competences in one column, here ist how it works for me: 
    Filter(TableName, ComboBox1.Selected.Value in Competency) 

    If this solved your problem, please mark it as Solved to help others find the solution faster.
    If you found it helpful, consider giving it a Like to support each other in this community!

    Thanks, and happy building!

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