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Combo Box - On Change - How to change the text on labels depending on value in the box.

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I'm really hoping someone can help me with in theory an easy Query. 


I'm creating an Hours Bank Calculator that pulls the sums for Staff Members from a SharePoint List. 


I have created a Combo Box with three labels underneath. The Combo Box is linked to the list and pulls through the Staff names with this code.  


Sort(ForAll(Distinct(Filter('Employee Hours Summary', Status.Value = "Active"),'Employee Name'.DisplayName), {Result: ThisRecord.Value}),Result)


My labels are called EHS_Contact , EHS_NoneContact and EHS_SO 


When you select the staff member from the Combo Box I want the Labels to populate with their Hours from the list.


I'm unsure how to do this I assumed I went to the on change on the Combo Box and write EHS_Contact. Text = 'Contact' Contact is the name of the column I want to pull from the sharepoint list. 


Any help would be amazing and I would be grateful, I can code in VB.Vet but I'm very new to Power Apps. 


Thank You  


  • Sam218 Profile Picture
    Sam218 on at
    Re: Combo Box - On Change - How to change the text on labels depending on value in the box.

    I understand now thank you for your help!

  • abouchaalaBAIT Profile Picture
    abouchaalaBAIT 930 on at
    Re: Combo Box - On Change - How to change the text on labels depending on value in the box.

    I mean you have to apply a filter to get the SharePoint item that match the selected value. 

    Here is the reference of the Lookup function : Filter, Search, and LookUp functions (contains video) - Power Platform | Microsoft Learn


    I can provide the final instructions if you provide more details (SharePoint list content, Fields type etc ...)

    Here is an exemple on how to get a SharePoint item from IceCream SharePoint list by filtering a text column with Vanilla value. 

    LookUp(IceCream, Flavor = "Vanilla") 

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  • Sam218 Profile Picture
    Sam218 on at
    Re: Combo Box - On Change - How to change the text on labels depending on value in the box.

    Hi there, 


    I have tried using the below on OnChange but it errors on the #Filter stating Expected Operator. 

    Set(varCurrentEHS, LookUp('Employee Hours Summary', #Filter selected value))

    I've added a photo of the error I get Error .png




  • Verified answer
    abouchaalaBAIT Profile Picture
    abouchaalaBAIT 930 on at
    Re: Combo Box - On Change - How to change the text on labels depending on value in the box.

    Hi @Sam218 , try this : 

    In OnChange of the comboBox : 

    Store the current selected from the list

    Set(varCurrentEHS, LookUp('Employee Hours Summary', #Filter selected value))

    In Text properties of your Labels


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