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Power Automate - Building Flows
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How to get all the flows that runs failed in the environment (not the admin)

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Hi Everyone,
Is there any way to get all the flows (that created under account or under environment) failed and notify to MS teams or send the email? 
As I know, there are some ways that we can add the step in the flow to get notify.

(27) Power Automate: Retrieve all running Flows | LinkedIn

as I found this forum, so I think it might be some ways to get all the flows that runs failed and notify.

Please advise,
Thank you,
Tan Punsuwan
  • Nuiii Profile Picture
    Nuiii 36 on at
    How to get all the flows that runs failed in the environment (not the admin)
    Thank you for your suggestion again,
    Just to update, I have only 1 flow access from the Dataverse table.
    However, I got the flow works.
    I used, List My Flows action (from Power automate Management) with the Environment ID
    and Invoke an HTTP request action to each flow from the output List My Flows action and filter them with "Failed" Status.
  • Mark Nanneman Profile Picture
    Mark Nanneman 981 on at
    How to get all the flows that runs failed in the environment (not the admin)

    If you have access to your environment's dataverse tables at you can always go there and check the "Flow Runs" table to make sure you're getting all the rows you need in your flow.

  • Nuiii Profile Picture
    Nuiii 36 on at
    How to get all the flows that runs failed in the environment (not the admin)
    Hi Mark @Mark Nanneman​​​​​​​,
    Thank you for your advice.
    I don't know why when I filtered the List rows with the status, it won't return the flow runs as expected. But when I filtered with endtime it's get all the flows that has endtime as filtered. Moreover, on mine it lists only 1 flow (as I see only 1 flow name in the output)
    Please advise,
  • Suggested answer
    Mark Nanneman Profile Picture
    Mark Nanneman 981 on at
    How to get all the flows that runs failed in the environment (not the admin)
    One thing you could try is to set up a recurrence flow that checks the "Flow Run" Dataverse Table on a schedule.  Just have it filter for status eq 'Failed' and also filter for flows with an endtime gt some past time to get all the fails since the last run.

    status eq 'Failed' and endtime gt @{addDays(utcNow(),-2)}

    Here's a blog post I wrote on how I built a flow to list failed flow runs from the Dataverse "Flow Runs" table and send deep links to each failed flow in an email and teams approval:

    Flow Run table:
    Example failed flows:

    Example action in power automate to list the recently failed flows 

    If this helped you, please click "Does this answer your question" and give it a like to help others in the community (+ close the ticket)!

    Power Platform Developer | LinkedIn: Mark Nanneman | Blog: Power Stuff  | YouTube: Mark's Power Stuff  |

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