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Form on virtual table

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I keep on running into this error and it looks like it is not possible to open a record of a Business Central virtual table with a form.
Can someone help me out please?
  • Suggested answer
    SaiRT14 Profile Picture
    SaiRT14 1,926 on at
    Form on virtual table
    Virtual tables from Business Central can be best utilized in read-only views
  • Suggested answer
    samuel10 Profile Picture
    samuel10 39 on at
    Form on virtual table
    I solved this problem by just logging in to my power page site via Microsoft Entra ID. It worked perfectly after
  • Suggested answer
    Inogic Profile Picture
    Inogic 899 on at
    Form on virtual table
    To map the form, please follow these steps:
    Go to Power Pages Management.
    • Select Entity List.
    • Choose your list.
    • Navigate to the Options tab.
    • Click on the EDIT in the Item Actions
    • Target Type: form
    • Basic Form: Select Your form

    Hope this helps.
    Inogic Professional Services: Power Platform/Dynamics 365 CRM
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  • samuel10 Profile Picture
    samuel10 39 on at
    Form on virtual table
    Thx for your answer, can you tell me how I can map the new edit form to the respective entity list.
  • Suggested answer
    Inogic Profile Picture
    Inogic 899 on at
    Form on virtual table

    We recently encountered a similar issue in Power Pages when trying to open a record in an edit form, resulting in the same error as shown in your screenshot.

    We resolved this issue (which seems to be a bug or non-optimized behaviour in Power Pages) by creating a new form via Power Pages Management and mapping the new edit form to the respective entity list.

    When creating the new form, make sure to use Query String as the ID.

    Please refer to the screenshot below for guidance.

    After syncing the Power Pages site, everything worked as expected.

    Let us know if this solution works for you.
    Inogic Professional Services: Power Platform/Dynamics 365 CRM
    An expert technical extension for your techno-functional business needs
    Drop an email at 
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